Occam's Homemade Shiv

It’s not the root cause, but it’s fueled the fire. Anyone who doesn’t think 2 decades of extremely popular F&F movies haven’t increased the number of morons who do this street racing nonsense are truly baffling to me. You really don’t think it had ANY impact?  I call bullshit.

Don’t feel bad at all. You simply said what most of us (with sanity/braincells) are feeling deep down. Complete and utter contempt for these fucking imbeciles.  

It’s astonishing that these people are upset about deaths, and they attribute those deaths to a public figure lying about the virus to them, but that public figure is not Donald Trump.  

I don’t see the issue either. More choices is good. I don’t like the market essentially being all SUVs myself, but that’s what most people seem to want.

It seems like just about every Japanese design is timeless. That is still a nice looking car. Whereas just about everything American made from this era did not age well at all and most of them look archaic and nasty now.

Well done protecting Mom there!

It’s similar to the gun culture. 20 schoolchildren killed... 60 killed at a concert... and their reaction is: “don’t take my guns away” (or) “it’s a false flag op by the libruls to take our guns away”.  Never even once caring about the victims and some even attacking their families as actors. Screw those gun nuts and

Beyond the control freak aspect, I cannot fathom how someone can just steal their own daughter’s fortune (while destroying here life) and be so smug about it. If hell exists, I like to think there’s a special place there for people like Jamie Spears.

It’s becoming clear that our Nation is replete with selfish, dangerous morons who make terrible choices.

Extra points for all the pics of this car sitting crossways across the handicapped spot so he could take pictures. Clearly this person is a special kind of douche. 

*W12   (but you knew that....)

I lamented over buying a v12 Phaeton about 5 years ago. So much car for so little money. But the notion of having a ~10K, soon-to-be lawn ornament kept me from that adventure. Even the dealer selling it did his best to scare me away mentioning that only one dealership in the entire state can fully service that engine.

I live in a State that more people care about the common good than not. For that, I am grateful. That said, it’s still pathetic that we aren’t doing even better than 57%.

There is no fucking excuse and yet, like clockwork, the local Police Union will go to bat for this pile of shit as if he’s some kind hero. Meanwhile, even if he gets terminated, he’ll just get a LEO job in another town/state since these agencies don’t seem to give a damn about not re-hiring shitty cops. In fact, I

Maybe... MAYBE, if those were in America, some oddball would care to try and make something out of it/them. But in Japan?

Name dropping to your (totally) super impressed friends? Does it get any more shallow?

Even 10k sounds pretty steep for that many miles. I already know better than to own a luxury car with high miles. It’s a love/hate affair. Even if it’s perfect right now, that won’t last long.

That 1976 Chevy Nova from yesterday disagrees. Some cars were horrible/unremarkable in their time and maintained that level of horrible/unremarkable afterwards. A dull, bland consistency. Their only real use as time capsules to see how horrific/boring cars were then. I dare say the 2021 Mirage is destined for absolute

The problem is that (effectively) no one wants that car.   

If women ever rise up everywhere and kill off all of the men, would it really be a shocker?