
Why crush the flesh when you can crush...the EGO!

Hey, if you have a better idea about how to toss mixed vegetables, let us know!

Would not “woman” also convey the notion of humanity as a whole?

I’ve given this matter some thought, and my theory is that like female mosquitoes must drain the blood of men for sustenance, human women must siphon the humor of men. Thus, men become enraged at “funny women” because they are literally disgorging the comedy of their brothers for their own purposes.


agree to disagree

A perfectly cromulent unword, at that.

Memo to self: collect and bind storyboards from inevitable film adaptation, sell in advance of premiere.

And it will be a damned good time, too!

Well, maybe not the asexual crowd...

Worst case scenario: you end up like Dr. Greene in Season 3.

Unlike the OP, I don’t see color, so I didn’t notice it. He could be white, green, ultraviolet, whatever.

Don’t forget (Don’t Wanna Go to) London after Brexit

Don’t forget that you can dismiss churlish comments like the two above me!

My suggestion for improving the system would be instead of dropping specific items, boxes would drop tokens you can redeem to unlock any item of the corresponding rarity. This solves a few problems: (a) no duplicates, (b) no items on characters you never/rarely play, and (c) no need for a secondary currency.

If you want naked ScarJo in a sci-fi movie, there’s Under the Skin.

Her plan at the time differed from Obama’s in that she specifically mandated universal coverage (which Obama argued would only work if supported by fines that would hurt the people who were intended to benefit). I wouldn’t call Clinton’s approach more “liberal” but pragmatic: it was a way to motivate insurance