Who would have thought that Melissa Gilbert and Joyce dewitt would have brought it stronger than Linda Evans?
Who would have thought that Melissa Gilbert and Joyce dewitt would have brought it stronger than Linda Evans?
God, I’m so BORED with this shit. Another straight white baby boomer dude self-glorying wankfest (nostalgia edition). How can a single demographic be so endlessly entertained with itself! And so institutionally narcissistic that it assumes that literally everyone agrees on how fascinating every detail of their…
Jim Toth has very nice handwriting for someone whose name is a British term for moron.
I mean, the Federalists did distrust the general populace enough to keep even landless white men from voting. Folks like Adams referred to democracy derisively as “mobocracy” and a “leveling spirit.” That’s why we have the electoral college, after all. But fuck trying to live our lives in the mold of elite men who…
Over the weekend you would read things like “yeah but some of his decisions were so well written” or “yeah but he was a great friend to RBG” or “He thought freedom of speech should apply to video games” which I thought were very helpful as most people don’t go around with signs actually telling you they live up their…
Also, just I love how for a devout ultra conservative Catholic the fact that they didn’t say *anything* about abortions means that they prohibited them for all eternity.
This is fuckin Murica yer talkin bout. I use my AK to light mah cigareets.
also, lol, his use of torture is basically an understanding of torture from the show 24, which is not real life.
Pretty sure Pablo is Paul the Apostle.
As far as gun control - these constitutional originalists are *totally cherry picking* - if you’re gonna be literal + O.G. - it only applies to MILITIAS and the weapons they refer to are SINGLE LOADING MUSKETS.
Scalia’s view on Roe v. Wade was that it should be overturned, because our founding fathers didn’t go around having abortions.
I just exploded with jealousy. Leo IS NOT WORTHY.
Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.
Fuck Bill Murray.
you know what else is an irreversible decision??? HAVING A BABY
Amber Rose
For starters, he’s addressed as “His Worship”, so...
Someone print then preserve that group photo. It’ll be our civilization’s Rosetta Stone to alien archaeologists in ten thousand years.
What kind of man is he? What kind of society is Trinidad that elects this guy for office? Let your imagination roll.
What the fuck is this guys problem. Everytime he said something it got worse. “Let your imagination roll”?