
Tool concerts are full of Chris Nolan fans, so not quite.

Even if they did, why would it be preferable to risk debilitating/deadly diseases just to avoid risking autism? Having autism/loved ones who have autism is certainly challenging, and my heart goes out to those people. But is it worse than meningitis, polio, tetanus, measles, COVID-19 for chrissake?! If I had to choose

I wonder if these people “just ask questions” and “do [their] own research” before taking an Advil or boarding an airplane.

Just asking questions is a cowards answer spouted by conspiracy theorists and racists.  Actual questions aren't phrased like that.

Let me be blunt.  Anyone pedaling anti vaccine bullshit lately can get fucked.  This is the worst time in the past half century to be anti vaccine.

saw it at tiff, loved it. i weep for the inevitable remake that, i dunno, reunites the cast of old school or something.

Counterpoint: we should not deadname the trans man who just bravely came out to the entire world, actually

Even though this series hasn’t really worked, I fully welcome anything that increases the power of Hugh Grant 2.0

Why was Annaleigh Ashford in this show for one single scene?

Haven’t heard of this show and apparently there’s a bunch on HBO Max.  I loved the first episode, really helps fill the Nathan void while giving me some Joe Pera vibes too.  Really human moment at the end of the first, look forward to checking out the rest.  Thanks for the heads up!

It’s really great and definitely scratches that itch -- it’s like a sweeter, less judgmental verison of Nathan for You. Doesn’t hit as hard with the jokes but is kinda oddly touching at times? 

Hey, does anyone remember when a subset of “Fans” lost their collective shit because Luke said “laser sword” in TLJ?  Good times.

I’ve enjoyed the last two episodes quite a bit, but I really, REALLY hope they stop strip mining the canon for these endless cameos and callbacks.

I uhh keep waiting for someone else to comment on Ashoka’s headpiece looking like foam and creasing a lot in a very foam-y way.

Just so you know, Syafiqjaber of Mars is a Snyder Tribalist with a massive victim complex who equates being a Snyder fan to being a black person. He literally only ever posts comments if its to defend Snyder’s movies. 

So, are just going to ignore the questionable judgement of the parents from both sides for bringing their kids to trial, fully knowing that there would be some very explicit and graphic details discussed?

Also, maybe it’s the dad in me, but I found it troubling that the defense lawyer instantly whipped out the bloody

I thought they looked like macarons (maybe blue milk flavored?)

The end-credits drawings show The Child stealing what appear to be cookies, which were changed to neon-blue candy for the final episode.

The AV Club seems oddly committed to this idea that Amber Heard, James Marsden and Alexander Skarsgard represent bad or bland casting, and I really can’t understand why. 

Since casting Sutherland is already telegraphing villainy, I’m going with Sylvia being the killer. I think Ebert had a Movie Law about which character is the murderer in this genre, and Sylvia fits it.”

I dunno, Blanksheet. You don’t cast Annaleigh Ashford and only give her a cameo where she’s shooed away.