
Well, they both have 4 wheels.

LOL my company just dropped Adobe Connect to start using ZOOM last week.

It sounds like your date was testing whether or not you had a sense of humor.

I totally get Feeling Conflicted. The thing is, different levels of commitment and intimacy are okay. Personally, my ideal would be a long term, monogamous partner where we keep our own places and spend a day or two together every week or two. The only problem is that most people don’t have that same desire, but

It’s time to come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab.

In order:

Instant ramen noodles are both bland and not particularly outstanding in their texture - they’re basically a starchy delivery system for the flavor pack.  You should always cook the noodles and sauce together.
Those very same original ramen bricks, Nissin Chicken Ramen, are still available. They have an adorable divot

Good point. These financial threads always seem to forget the intangible reward of satisfaction with your purchase. Sometimes it feels like the comments section (on these types of articles) would be more at home at Forbes or Money Magazine, not a car enthusiasts site.

The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Don’t mistake leverage for genius. Pick whatever cliche suits you. Bottom line is that if you can’t afford the capitol loss, don’t do it.

definitely not, good for you. 

Crazy? No.

You ARE a MassHole though.

As this isn’t that common knowledge, the title really should have been:

I also didn’t capitalize extra, I mis-used the colon which is also followed by an improper compound sentence that is missing punctuation and is also a run-on.

I prefer the GM Performance version they made. RWD and 665 HP.

But did they pushover a tool box onto it?

The game is a mix of Factorio and a dash of no mans sky. Its a mostly complete game. So far there are 6 tiers to get through which so far I have only been able to make tier 3. There is a lot to do so far for being an early access game.

Games I was excited about in my early 20's:

It would have been a lot easier to tell if they would have photographed it anywhere that is not a rave.

That seems like a strong reaction to what looks like a Model 3 that likes pie too much.

I have one rule when playing Hitman games - it can’t look like an assassination.