
No hats, I have good hair.

Sunscreen does not keep me from turning into a pool of sweaty clothing. Also I wear SPF 50-100 depending on the day

Thank you for understanding. I’ve had people give me so much shit for driving with the top up in the summer and I can just see the lack of understanding when I start to explain that sitting in stop and go traffic when its 95 and sunny is not fun with the top down.

I’ll just leave this here.


I think they haven’t done a top speed run because they’ve already done it and know they can’t break the record.

Generally agreed, they’re ugly, impractical, and as you said “maximum douchebaggery”. This means of course that by extension I also dislike the X4 and the GLC Coupe, however I oddly like the GLE Coupe and the Audi Q8.

Very misleading. Because the A button is pressed a lot whether to exit a slide or do a long JUMP. However, the A button is never pressed by itself or pressed before another button.

Thats kind of an arbitrary argument seeing as the structural members of the Wrangler are the same without the doors and, on top of that, it was tested with its doors and windshield in place...

Regardless of whether or not you’re American, you’re disappointing.

Are you aware of how many other countries in the world have the same video games that we do in America? Yet America is the only country in the world thats had, on average, more than one mass shooting per day of the year so far.

You had me until you started your second paragraph. I’ve played games like Grand Theft Auto and other violent shooting and senseless killing video games and I have never once wanted to buy a gun to kill people walking down the street. I have never once wanted to drive my car into a crowd of defenseless and innocent

I’m not sure if you mean you can’t get any car without nav but with CarPlay, or if you just meant BMW. Either way, I have found the loophole because my 2016 Miata didn’t have nav when I bought it used but, I payed Mazda money to have CarPlay installed.

I dont know much about it but Audi has had a solar sunroof option for a while to primarily run the climate control when the car is parked.

As much as I personally enjoy Sour Skittles and Sour Patch Kids, they stand as two of the only candies in the world which caused my mouth physical harm. (Think tongue and cheek skin so assaulted by acid that all the skin in your mouth peels off like a sunburn). So despite my enjoyment, I agree they are arguably the

Your comment about performance badging has been a complaint of mine for a while.

Can I come into this discussion and ask that we stop labeling scandals by appending a word with “-gate”.

I don’t know what it is specifically but the X6's proportions are just wrong. I am actually low-key fond of the Mercedes GLE Coupe and the Audi Q8. But the X6, X4 and even GLC Coupe just look wrong.


I’ve driven my car 5,000ish miles since January 2018 and I wash it every 3-5 weeks :)