
Hell Yes!

He’s also the only candidate who’s stated publicly that he disagreed with the Civil Rights Act and whose newsletter warned of an upcoming “race war” that he and his father’s supporters should prepare themselves for. But yeah, he wants to legalize weed!

Sounds like a Sanders supporter actually. So yes, that really is a spot-on analysis of Deadspin and the rest of Gawker Media.

Or maybe he’s a huge Clinton supporter. Which would mean he’ll be placed on Gawker Media’s shitlist ASAP.

Shouldn’t a gun be in his other hand? I heard that’s the only way Republicans can finish.

Wolfmother? Never heard of them.

As an Arizona fan, I never thought it was possible to like or feel empathy for a Seahawks fan let alone someone from Seattle. Thank you Bryan, for changing my mind. Great wrestler who has been a pleasure to watch over the years.

Get off my lawn!

An intelligent, sexy lady who is insanely talented and surrounded by douchebags and assholes? Just another day at FS1 for Katie.

That’s ridiculous. Everyone knows that Natty Light is the choice of Chowdaheads everywhere.

“See Robert, that’s why we need more point guards.” - Ryan McDonough

It takes quite a lot to turn Megyn Kelly into an even remotely sympathetic figure, but Trump sure is trying his best.

Hipsters rejoice!

The next time Gawker changes it’s “format,” how about just go to posting stuff like this every day. I doubt you’d lose any traffic.

Great, so Carson is Obi-Wan? Looks like Cards fans have more than his knee to worry about.

Isn’t this dude from Seattle? Figures.

Sure, she might’ve ruined a few of those girls’ self-esteem and contributed to the future promiscuity of a couple others - thereby at least partially having a hand in scarring them for life and all, but at least she didn’t interrupt a holiday commute like those damn BlackLivesMatter communists. Amirite? /s

Adrain Wilson. Former Pro Bowl Safety for AZ. He works for the Cardinals now.
