George Washington

-reads headline-

If you have to ask in this specific case then I’ll never get through to you. Think about what the jobs above entail compared to WORKING ON AN ASSEMBLY LINE. DOOF. 

Because it is critical that they unionize? Come on. 

Sorry, what’s your point? Union membership for Police and Fire is VERY different from union membership workers.


Take a star, I giggled.

Tom and Raphael are right.

I dig it, and frankly, the plane that transports the President of the United State should be red, white, and blue.

As someone who never watches F1, it looks like he is drifting back to the racing line post corner and that Hamilton thought he could get around him before he came back trackbound/before or after he wrecked.

No. This needs to stop. 

Then why post it at all, dude?

Your plate makes me lulz

HAH, awesome. 

Elizabeth, I don’t know if you have kids, but if you don’t, you should know that the parents with the baby are more stressed about flying than you have ever been. If they need 15 mins to rock baby before takeoff, trust me, they need it and it’s better that they have it. The other heathens, though, deserve the targeted

You don’t know my horse...

This is bullshit. I won’t buy it. 

Except the Jesko.

The way you describe truck owners makes me laugh out loud. 

...what do you people do around the phone to make it this dirty?

Whaaaaaaaat. Man, what a bunch of sillies.