George Washington

Feel free to check all of my comments I’ve left on this site over the past 10 years. You’ll find I’m actually a pretty reasonable person. Trump has made everyone on the left mental to the point where it is infecting everything. This used to be the one place I could come to for a break. Now that’s gone. You’ll excuse

LOL fair.

Please stop. Enough politics on Jalopnik. I come here for car stuff. Who he supports on twitter contributes ZERO to this story. 

...this article is not super helpful considering the topic it covers. I’d wait to post this until someone could indicate which extension it was...

Wasn’t this one made with whale penis leather?

I’d take, literally, any other car in the background purely because of this insane paint color.

Oddly enough, people will buy vehicles that have what they want. If that includes fuel economy over other factors, there will be a market for it.

Let the buyer decide.

Soccer is stupid. 

Thank goodness your headline isn’t misleading or hyperbolic in any way. Maybe wait to see what he actually does and THEN criticize his actions. Or don’t.

GUH no thanks.

That’s transmission fluid, Jason.

All of them.

Sold out in like, 2 hours.

Sold out in like, 2 hours.



I only watch these videos for the commentary. Their excitement makes me happy. 

Hey, a Founding Father can dream, can’t he?

Soccer kills. 

Right, assuming you’ll provide similar coverage to people doing the same thing to republicans? Yeah? You know, since violence should be denounced no matter where it is coming from?

Sorry, a point of clarification. I believe in letting the markets themselves decide what is best based on the consumer and how they purchase. Government involvement in any of this is my grievance. Fair follow up.