Subaru: Because screw you America.
Subaru: Because screw you America.
Subaru: doing it wrong since they killed the wagon.
-waits for the video of you performing the same move, with ease-
I know you say that, but people will not stop flying because of this. They will just deal with it.
So, stupid question here. I carry a flashlight every time I fly. It is powered by C123 Lithium batteries. Would they be as the same risk of explosion? Again, I’m naive to this so keep it gentle.
The internet rules because of things like this.
“Boxer engine” being the mechanical defect. Ask me how I know...
These people can’t predict the weather tomorrow, or next week, and they expect me to believe this crap? AND climate change? Good luck.
Didn’t die at the end? Not similar.
Screw Canada.
You plebians clearly don’t own a Tesla - we don’t drive our cars in the rain.
Pulled a Weinstein, I bet.
...Piers Morgan?
Damn, I miss my Alero.
They peck holes in wood. Houses and homes are made of wood. Woodpeckers peck holes in houses made of wood. Fuck woodpeckers.
I think all homeowners can agree, fuck woodpeckers.
Gender assumption isn’t ok, person.
“Sold out by 9:30 AM eastern”
“Sold out by 9:30 AM eastern”