
I'm on a Orbital kick these days-I forgot how good they were. incorporating crazy samples, drum n' bass, and nailing the live experience…
And that the screen font is from the Asteroids arcade game? That's the fucking shit, right there.
Sampling the Carpenters? So awesome.

In a pinch, I guess.

um is that a yes or no?

He wrote a book about early 80's video game culture too that he disowned. Invasion of the Space Invaders. Yes I have a copy.

This movie scared the fuck out of me as a kid-and I really didn't even know it was rape. Could you imagine a modern remake? But the twist is that Julie Christie's character is a man. Who still gives birth. And is straight.

Never saw Troll 2-is this a life mistake I need to correct?

I'd love to have sex with an elaborately coiffed early 90's woman-like the one in this video, but she's gotta have huge floppers and a moderately fat ass.

That wouldn't be a reference to the dumb-as-fuck-monster in the original Fiend Folio, would it? If so, you win the Internet today.

He was an electronic music pioneer in the 70's, no question.

This Women's Work is her best album overall-what about the song where she dances with Hitler?? And I'm not being ironic..I really dig Kate Bush.

Oh I loved this movie, the soundtrack, and…

Borderlands 2-I'm sick of the grinding and endless side quests. But I love the side quests and the grinding.

Fuck this is pretty awesome-Imagine driving around to this late late at night-bit like Ulrich Schnauss or Susumu Yokota

There's a biography on Rockstar and the creation of GTA called Jacked-it was quite an interesting read. Highly recommended. Fun fact-Ray Liotta tried to sue Rockstar for more VO wages after he found out how popular the game was.

Maybe there will be a teaser trailer for the post-credits scene.

You're just reading the OHOTMU, now.

That's an impressively obscure reference

The last season on Netflix wasn't that good, people

I guess the consequences of smoking isn't one of those things that Jesus feels like healing.

I'll give you that-but I've never been a huge fan of K or J-horror. Movies that is.