Minidude- owns a mini, is 7 feet tall

Do not buy a ghibli. Buy a 5-series, then use the money you save from repairing the POS to buy an italian suit. Or a season pass to the opera. Ot literaly any other italian thing other than a sub- par exec car that has an exotic name. Sure, some people might be impressed when you say you have a maserati. They’ll be

$5,800, for wheels? Wow.

People are fools.

Orange? So the rust don't show?

The Mustang?

Honey, defending the metro by saying the metro is the best selling car is like saying that shit is popular, cos there’s a lot of it.

Look up group b film on youtube. There’s one in that. Great film btw.



That looks like someone crushed a lancia 037. 

Hey son, I’ve bought a new car. It’s italian and has two doors!! Wanna guess what it is? I’ll give you a clue. It starts with F.

What about Countach? Like cocanie, excepr it ruins your vision and makes it hard to walk backwards.

Dubs yo!

Holy shit, the trackhawk is coming to the UK?? *Excited squeaking sounds*


I feel buying a shark would be impraticical for most, due to the large tank it would need. Still, it woukd defo make your staff clean harder...

That lift off oversteer is very much a thing, and that minis have a habit of it. And how quickly fast driving can go wrong.

Tasty looking deal

Tasty looking deal

I watched the rogan podcast with him. It was interesting how down to earth he was.

I feel like james hunt fits in here.