if I'm not mistaken, didn't they do this on pimp my ride to a mitsubishi mirage? I really hope Chinese automakers start copying the pimp my ride cars instead of BMW x5's and mini coopers.
if I'm not mistaken, didn't they do this on pimp my ride to a mitsubishi mirage? I really hope Chinese automakers start copying the pimp my ride cars instead of BMW x5's and mini coopers.
You're right, they changed the stat sheet later to reflect it.
OK, so it was 1990, but I spent the summer living with my father and working in a very posh mountain resort town. He had a lovely '86 911 Targa that he would not let me drive because "I was not on the insurance", so I was stuck with my '77 Rabbit.
Not sure if I've ever seen a team lose like this before.
I KNOW I've made this comment to you before:
This photograph is insane. A normal photograph might be worth 1,000 words. This one is worth 1,000 tiny little parts.