
Sucks, getting Hassel-ed by a chair like that.

Barry, one of my favorite drives ever is heading West from Coxsackie, NY on NY State Route 81. You begin in Coxsackie, next up is Climax, NY, and then after a brief stop through Earlton (whatever), you get to Surprise, NY. Quite the trifecta.

I would've just called it disc golf, but people don't usually know what that means.

Does anyone on staff frolf?

In somewhat related news, the recent renovations the NFL did at the Hall of Fame ruined the watershed in the area; people are selling their houses in hopes of getting out of there and parks with wetlands in the area need to be redesigned and renovated. The NFL is destroying the water.

Uhh, no mention of Croatia for Men’s Team Handball... wat?

He looks like a homeless Drew Magary twenty years from now.

Unsurprised his name is Lonergan.

At 4:45 of the video, is that a fan in a blue shirt hoping over the dugout onto the field and walking towards the pile before being escorted away?

I need more deadcast. When will there be more deadcast? I MUST HAVE IT.

Same 2008 draft, the Blackhawks take Kyle Beach who never played in the NHL. He looked great in the WHL going up against Milan Lucic. 4 picks after the Blackhawks took him Erik Karlsson was chosen. Imagine Karlsson on the Blackhawks...

Disc Golf?

I see these in the future of the NFL franchise called the Washington Skinless.

He’s always been like this. Just now people are starting to notice. I don't really understand what took everyone so long.

“Sometimes I fart in my hand so I can smell it.”

I know, how? how does this happen? a lead like that and you don’t even end up top three. bewildering.

Claude Lapointe

You definitely take the helmet home.

I couldn’t agree more. When I’m hungry I just want to shove food in my mouth. Bones just get in the way.

This is certainly true. By the way, I enjoyed your article yesterday, I’m Getting Married, And I Don’t Know What My Name Will Be. I’m working through that same thing at the moment.