Well I mean heres a taste of the damn source material in the guise of the worst sex scene ever committed to paper:
Well I mean heres a taste of the damn source material in the guise of the worst sex scene ever committed to paper:
Yeah I actually misread that at first, and then I realized that I am an idiot.
My take: A Ska band releases a pop-punk album. Never looks back.
That's exactly right. I've actually said that before, that most Americans are democratic socialists and they don't even know it. I'll point you guys to a really fantastic blog post that coined the term 'Donner Party Conservatives.'
Jeff Garlin would make a good Chris Christie in his upcoming unnecessary biopic, "My Governor Is So Fat: how fat is he? The Chris Christie story."
Thanks for bringing that up. I knew somebody would.
Fuck you, you silver haired hurricane watcher. I'd vote for a Socialist. I have voted for a Socialist, in Spain. And they won. The PSOE (our Democratic Socialist party) has made Spain the most equal and just society on the planet: Universal Health Care, Social Security that is returns nearly 100% of what…
I think that moe. does an amazing cover of Cornflake Girl: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
By liaison I meant go-between.
Allright, I'm in.
Have you been a comedy fixture for the lats 20 years?
Yes. He was made liaison to Washington, even going so far as to become best friends with the CIAs top spy hunter, James Jesus Angleton. And then he really kind of made a clean get away.
Bob Dylan. I know he's considered one of the greatest songwriters ever, and the voice of his generation. I even like folk music, and his musical affiliate, Phil Ochs, but I could never get into Dylan.
This is the first time I;ve disagreed with a Hatesong. This song is really a very good song. His voice is weird, but the song is great.
Now this is the first Hatesong that I must vehemently disagree with. "She Drives Me Crazy" is a great great song.
Happy this is back. I never watched it, binge watched it last week, and now it's one of my favorite comedies.
That is because Hardline was pathetic. A terrible game.
I played through it twice. The first time I went with Amita, second time I went with Sabal. Of course they both had valid arguments, but I think I agree more with Amita than Sabala. Plus, Amitta aiin't too hard on the eyes.
Far Cry 4
Oh dear I don't care for this at all