
You're a fucking shitgoblin, you waste.

Yeah, I know this is some slim hope hap'nin right here, but ya never know… That's why I'm tweeting / commenting / sharing, etc as many articles on the subject I can find. Maybe it'll help or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can't hurt!

Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it

They have mental-disconnect powers to rival even the loyalest of trump supporters!

Madame Hydra's wraparound mini-cape was the best part of an excellent episode.

Seems likely. But damn, would it be great to get a real-world hero Ward. Toss this new, nice version into an LMD and off we go.

I loved that bit. Gave me a grim smirk.

"I guess back then diversity mostly referred to height and shoe color."

I didn't know my body could vomit this much. What the living %@#$ was that?

Right there with ya on that one.

"… what kind of material those letters and their outline are supposed to be made of. Metal? Shiny stone?"

So no new FFS in the future then…? -earth-shaking weeping ensues-

He's music's answer to Muhammad Ali, but just for ladies.

I prefer his sock reports.

The Birth / Movies / death take on this one was pretty right-on sounding - a well-enough crafted movie for kids that delivered 100% of what a lot of kids love about stories like these and the film apparently doesn't give a toss what the grown-ups think. Maybe your metrics here are a bit off. Sometimes fun, dumb,

I think one aspect of the previous generation vilifying the new one is at very least partially based in the feelings of that previous generation when they realize that, in many ways, they are no longer as relevant to popular culture as they were when they were 18 - 35. I'm a GenXer myself, and it's a weird feeling to

And yet here we are. All we can do is hold on to each other for support and pray.

HA! Just yesterday we were watching it and that was exactly how I described it to my wife - "The film that answers the ages-old unasked question - what does Rip Torn's dick look like?"

OR…. let's just scream WTF we want when someone we like dies and not worry about what rando commenters think is the correct reaction to subjective experiences.