
I think it's naive to ignore the effect of a Reddit (or similar) mob / movement / group / whathaveyou. While online journalism certainly has a wide area of effect, so too do online communities. In a positive way, look at how influential and effective the BLM movement has been and most of it's organizational capacity

I don't entirely buy that. To me, it's always seemed more a variation on the "if it bleeds, it leads" semi-news mentality. Too many journalists using other people's hate as the dramatic, eye-catching element in their stories. Just a quick frisson of human bile to amp up an otherwise more sedate story.

Online media has got to stop treating every single misogynist, racist, cry-baby, entitled, privileged arsehole as amazing sources for gritty, edgy infotainment. I'm sick to death of the worst elements of the online population dominating all discussion of the issues they're connected to.

Cal: "…whether I'm aboard or not?"
Exeter: (nods sexily) "Na-noo."

"Brak! (-brakbrakbrakbrak-) You will prepare the doctors for the tubes!"
"But I just got outta the tube, man…"

"What are you doing to them?!"
"We're hickory-curing them."

I have sung that more times than any other tune in my life. Someone should replace the existing 2001: A Space Odyssey soundtrack with this. Thus Spake Normal Vue.

I always wanted to visit Washingtonland - the new disney theme park.

I have a sneaky suspish that Jonah will do well in the role. He feels like the perfect modern-age update. new energy, but with classic joke pacing.

And lest we forget THE AMAZING RANDO!

I arrived late to the MST3K party and started with the theatrical movie ("This Island Earth") - which I GD loved so hard ("…cooler by the lake."), so Mike became my default guy. I came to love Joel, but Mike was always #1 for me. season 6 is my perfect line-up - Mike, Trace, Kevin.

Agreed. And that's a big part of why I so utterly un-love him. Remember Eddie Haskell in "Leave it to Beaver"? Sweetness and light when Ward and June were around, utter ratbag as soon as the kids were alone. Two-faced schemer, him - just like the Sparrow (with albeit somewhat differing methods and stakes).

Plus, people in supposed positions of trust (police, religious figures, etc) that abuse that trust fill me with a boiling unhappiness of extreme proportions. So eff you high sparrow - I'm glad you got all burneded up!

Re: the High Sparrow - we only "sort of" wanted him to die? I exclude myself from the "sort of" bit. His calm, condescending hypocrisy made me dislike him more than some of the more overtly evil characters like Cersei or the Mountain. I disliked the High Sparrow with great enthusiasm.

I was shouting at my TV - "Zig zag, mother effer!" so loud. Rickon totally pulled a Charlize.

I'm torn on wanting a season 2. This show is so unique, so special, that a big part of me just wants them to stop right here and go no further. They made an excellent thing. Leave it there and let it be excellent forever.

I just watched this last night and was utterly blown away. This special moves like a precision cynicism machine. Rather than look down my aging nose at a performer that started as young as he did (and as Burnham is quick to point out - got as lucky as he did), I decided to watch with an open mind, and I'm glad I did.

Why is there a chicken?

DO. IT. AS A. NETFLIX. SHOW! -ahem- With respect and please and thank you.

Dang it. Just commented that very thing. Poop.