
We'd love to see who the Astros are shopping around.

When will we finally learn that we need to write down the unwritten rules?

Sounds like she had the right idea

If by "Ok" you mean still moving, then yeah... giggle away

I think it's a terrible reason to get fired... however, if you were suspended for it the year before, why would you run in it again?

God forbid any actual work was done by Stub Hub for the $8.00 convenience fee.

Goddamn comcast. The Astros already have enough problems with fan base size without signing a deal that basically ensures I can never see them play on TV at home.

So... kind of like this?

That is 100% of the reason I still drive 15 miles to work out over there.

Don't see a big deal here. Some people like a cigarette after they pack the fudge.

Because Rice isn't a private school with one of the largest endowments in the country...

What a poorly written, misinformed, egregious article from Travis. How can anyone share his views, much less read this incoherent nonsense... better put it on Deadspin.

Get out.

Correction, just don't be an asshole when wearing other teams gear.

What probably happened was they realized that Escobar struck out but figured you can't ring a guy up on a called third strike when he thinks there is only one strike.

Any chance on seeing this app on the Blackberry 10 operating system?