
Better question: who cares?  People like what they like, and that’s OK.

The wildest car myth I’ve ever heard is that those Russian guys over at garage54 (that you guys keep click-baiting articles for) perform well thought-out tests that prove or disprove common auto myths.

Because an electric fan isn’t an upgrade.

I agree there’s a lot I’d trade too, but offering Weinstein and Kelly doesn’t seem like much in the way of value :/

In the interest of historical accuracy, was it a Volkswagen product that received the spray painting?

yeah, I get the same schtick with my ‘67 GTO. It’s got a 462, and makes 425 lb-ft, and 307HP (wheel). In my opinion, an A-body is about at the limit of what I can do effectively with it at that power level, so I’m happy with the powertrain as-is.  The suspension could use work, though.

So what we’re really saying here is that Twitter has a stricter code of conduct than the House of Representatives?

Every. damned. cars. and. coffee.

As a 240Z owner, I empathize with you wholly.

Nissan’s VG series.

So having grown up in privilege (my parents owned a house with a pool for much of my youth), I can safely say that the public pool is way, way more awesome. You’re there with your friends, it’s staffed by a crew of professionals (well, as professional as a load of cooler-than-you teenagers gets), but most importantly,

I’ll buck the trend and say whatever’s cheap. Safety be damned, I can make another kid if I need to.

GM has made more cast aluminum block/aluminum head combos than just the Vega.

My wife test drove both a DSG and a 6 speed Golf Alltrack two weeks ago, and liked the DSG better, so...

I think the “let’s try it and see if it works” approach is one of the least safety-minded ways of doing things out there.

Lucky you, my doctor told me that my love of deli meats is going to kill me.

The third stall in the garage currently contains my kids’ project, a ‘69 Datsun Roadster. It started off as two, one with a very rusty body, and one with a corner that was bent up in a wreck. They’ve got it down to one (and a goodly portion of my side yard), but soon it’ll be back on its feet.

It’s a stipulation on my insurance that the collector cars live in a garage. So, the Zs live with me, and the ‘67 GTO lives at my folks’ house.

Or maybe just look for what you can afford and tickles your fancy?

It holds 300-ish from 4.5k until about redline (7200). That one was taken on a plain old 4 wheel dynojet, and the graph is from the wheels. The cams in mine are meant to spool the turbo in a bit more civil fashion than the AAN cams that it came with (which are quite an “on or off” experience wrt boost once you go