Slow Joe Crow

There is a video of them thrashing it around a short course somewhere that has audio I'm pretty sure

Who was that designed by? The Habsburgs?

It would be great if someone would properly look into Tony and his activities at Canoo. He’s been scamming investors to fund his lifestyle for years now. Whether its the family owned shell companies leasing his corporate jet back to Canoo for his own use, or the backroom deals to investment groups he owns a part of to

OK Bimmer

I didn’t think CT when looking at those pictures.

Let me introduce you to this house design by Alexander Nerovyna. Check out where the truck slots into

Maybe he could buy a bicycle, I’m sure he could afford a really nice e-bike.

Crazy thought... he could park one block closer to be inside the zone all the time.

Instead of complaining that he, a very rich man, has to pay a whole $9 to drive to see his kids, he could instead contemplate the factors that contributed to his children living, you know, elsewhere.

In Florida it would have bene Meth, Bath Salts and a baby alligator in a onesie

Different kind of wackiness in California too. In Florida the dude would have been pulled over on a John Deere riding lawn mower while 2/3 through a six pack of Natty Ice, with a pound of crack, a crossbow and a baby Caiman.

Not a single interior picture? Even as the seller waxes poetic about how the roof rack “enhances the vehicle’s culture” — Gaak! — not a single mention of it in the text either. And this is the wife’s wheels — with a recovery kit stuck to said cultural roof rack and enough lights to be seen from space. Hmmmm ...

/rushes to typewriter, hurriedly pens script about a young man who has a bicycle accident on radioactive road and becomes the superhero Road Rash.

-I understand that someone has forced your Waymo vehicle to stop and is trying to assault you. Let me get you some help for this issue.

And here I thought I was in for something like this...

*Ahem* 🎶I’m reading this list, checking it twice. What do you mean you broke the pipe vice?! Maintenance mechanic is wearing a frown.

Toyota’s Bronze Age says, “Hold my Sapporo.”

I lost multiple pocket knives with 1.25" blades before I finally got it firmly into my head to NOT slip them into my pocket when travelling. It’s worse now that my wife and I are committed to not checking bags when we fly, so now I can’t have one with me at all.

Next time I see the giant speed bump with a massive scrape on it, a trail of oil leading to the side of the road, and a definitely not lowered car at the end of the trail I’ll get a picture.  I’ve seen it twice now, and I haven’t even lived in this neighborhood for a year.

Ok, hear me out: