Slow Joe Crow

How many Jalops would admit to being underwater? I don’t think I was ever underwater on my CX-5 despite having leased it then bought it. In my defense we had gone from two cars to no cars in a matter of weeks and had very little cash. 

You can get all kinds of things road legal in the UK, but I guess  the wank panzer is a bit too much. Every time I see one it looks uglier to me. 

Rimac and Suzuki is the most improbable pair, although come to think of Koenigsegg and Morgan?

AI rivals crypto mining as the biggest waste of electricity and compte power.  There's also the water use issue.  Google's data center in The Dalles is already controversial for its water use and the slightly shady deal with the local government to hide water use as a "trade secret". 

Should this have been headlined "door pulled, freedom maxing"?

The US also gave the Japanese Unit 731 a free pass in exchange for data. This was far less publicized but MacArthur let a lot of Japanese war criminals go, perhaps contributing to the Japanese lack of remorse.

Somewhere in Beijing a group of intelligence officers are crying in their beer at millions in bribe money and influencing going down the drain. I’m very surprised a Democrat president did this, especially after Harris lost the election.

I find it hard to muster any excitement for yet another electric crossover.  Naming it after the Integra replacement does nothing for me either.  Just another diluted nameplate 

ND, that's stupid expensive for a still readily available car. 

Part of the problem is English people are getting bigger. I remember the BBC complaining about obesity in the oughts. The rest is mostly safety standards and some equipment. A third generation Smart For Two weighs more than a Citroën AX, despite being almost 3' shorter.

I like to think his next job will be selling Altimas, and the idea that F&I guys are the ultimate shame is hilarious 

I got this information from the State of New Jersey web site.  I think they know their own tax code. 

Unfortunately you're right, if a government entity fired him because his wife did only fans it would be a 1A. Since it's a private business wrongful dismissal and anything else likely to stick and cost money 

This makes a Mitsuoka Orochi look good.  Oddly you could get a Mitsuoka Orochi in the US by sacrificing a US legal Acura NSX as the base car instead of a JDM NSX. That the Orochi requires an NSX makes me hate it more

A car salesman married to an amateur porn star seems on brand,  and he probably has a first amendment case. I will make popcorn and await Steve Lehto.

LIke many states NJ taxes income earned out of state so if you live in NJ and work in NY both states charge tax, but you can claim NY income tax as an NJ credit. I still think someone who lives on Yonkers NY and works in NYC gets it the worst, because NYC and Yonkers charge city income tax on top of state income tax.

Interestingly loaders are switching to joysticks. Newer Caterpillar wheel loaders have two joysticks, one for steering and one for the loader. This gives an experience similar to a modern skid steer loader

New Jersey gets to charge commuters income tax. They had their chance to buy in and refused. I  hate NJ anyway 

DI'd the Ever Given start a TikTok challenge?

To riff off an old quote, it is good that Cybertrucks have distinctive headlights so you can spot the idiots a long way off