Slow Joe Crow

These stories make me feel better about just getting by because these car payments approach my mortgage payment and my house has a ton of equity and my car loan is almost paid off

Here in the PNW Subarus are everywhere despite an unremarkable driving experience and several reliability issues.  The Toyonda is also a go to car because of perceived reliability and durability. 

Yeah the only front drum brake I've ridden is a CM250C and I swear my MTB has more powerful brakes

The Guardian article has a picture of Goodson sporting several facial tattoos, permanent clown makeup. It also notes that she had to remove extensive jewelry at sentencing.

It's cool but I feel like it needs more brakes.  My bike is 46 years old and has triple disk brakes and a seriously loud horn

I just read a Curbside Classic COAL feature about how terrible the author's brand new 94 Dakota was so I was preset to dislike and asking way more than I paid for my low mileage 2002 F150 cemented my ND vote.

I've ridden in a snowstorm but I usually park the bike in the winter. Fairings help immensely and BMW flat twins offer built in toe warmers,  although I would usually end up warming my hands on the cylinder heads at every stop light.  Ironic since BMW pioneered factory heated grips. 

sacrifice ride quality and use a foam filled tire

The "remain calm, all is well" of the CyberCucks is getting strained. Between price cuts and fiery crashes the wank panzer is even less of a good investment than when it came out

Everything old is new again, these guys just rediscovered faithless caravan guards. For that matter a number of historic pirates started as privateers. 

Days since a Tesla Cybertruck caught fire: 0

That's true, a Nikon FM from KEH wouldn't be the one I bought in high school. 

I find it interesting how many prime lenses he uses, and no tripod. I  guess he does a lot of low light and low ISO. I do mostly nature, landscape and birds so I shoot in good light. I'm also poor so I use 10-15 year old Nikon DX bodies and zoom lenses. I can cover 15mm to 450mm equivalent with 3 zooms and I carry a

You’d be surprised how much old Nikon stuff is available online. I feel small time since my Nikon 35mm gear is only 40 years old.

Full Self Crashing 

The crazy thing is this isn’t much of an outlier. There are an astounding number of people carrying negative equity and being underwater. This is just an extreme case

I am excited about the possibilities of rotary engines salvaged from wrecked MX30s in homemade death machines. Even a single rotor makes for an exciting motorcycle or Kart

I notice Mazda isn't on the list. We are approaching 10 years of CX-5 ownership and even servicing at the dealer is maybe $750 per year

From the top, early 90s pre face-lift XJs are the most desirable, this has the positive of being apparently unmodified but rust in a PNW car? Also in addition to AC, clutch,  headliner and rust the rear wiper motor is frozen.  For $7500 I expect everything to work, current tags and no rust.  This maybe a $5000