
I just don’t understand why the files were so big. Architectural and engineering plans are typically saved to PDF in vector format. Regardless of intergalactic file type (Interstellar Engineering Format?), it’s only reasonable to have vector engineering drawings (I can’t fathom that they would hand draw the Death

“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”

I, for one, am really glad they cut the stupid “I rebel” line. It sounded like something an edgy teen would think of and tell her friends it’s what she said, when in fact she just walked away.  

I’m pretty sure Giant’s Shadow was free because it was too shitty of a map to include at launch.

Come back when you actually have a fucking clue what it means to fight a war on home soil. 

Alas, no. I can agree that Battlefront was a little light on the content but BF1 has basically the same amount of maps as Battlefield 2 and has two more factions.

Hold X to surrender.

Nope. The opening crawl of the original film specifically mentions the rebels striking from their hidden base (Yavin) which would mean ships and space battles.

Yeah, through Episode 4-6, you never really see why everyone is so afraid of Vader beyond force choking...but that scene in the hallway where he’s just mowing through everyone just leaves you like Hooooooolyyyyyy Shiiiiiiit, no wonder everyone acts like they do around him. It finally made me feel naked horror at

Am I the only one that’s glad they got rid of that super cheesy “I rebel” line from Jyn? Granted, I felt like they rushed these characters so much that I never got to like her much to begin with (least not as much as I did the supporting cast) but I felt like that line was just so damn forced...

My group hates Locker/Metro type maps. It’s the opposite of what makes Battlefield such an interesting game, in my opinion. We always leaves the server if either of those pop up, so I’m happy they don’t have meatgrinders like them.

I really don’t understand all the complaints about Rogue One. I watched it on Saturday and it is second only to Empire Strikes Back in terms of being both Star Wars and awesome. It was great to see a beginning of the rebellion where no one really knew what they were doing and that cost them many allies. We all knew

That’s literally what happens all the time. I dare you to find a chicken sandwich at Burger King that looks even remotely like the five inch thick picture in their menu.

(Minor Spoilers)

The number one complaint I have with Rogue One is Darth “Dad Joke” Vader making fun about choking on aspirations (which is a double pun cuz aspirating in medical terms means choking, so witty)

Oh the pain........that didn’t hurt you in any way.

So she was Rouge One!

I heard T-16s as well. Incidentally, a T-16 Skyhopper is what Luke used to fly on Tatooine (“I used to bullseye Womp rats in my T-16 back home, and they’re not much bigger than 2 meters,”).

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