
....or if they tallied up the revenue from this project?

....or if they tallied up the revenue from this project?


Don’t sweat the regret. No one regrets buying ice cream.

I’ve seen that here in the States, too. Very un-pizza looking name and boxes.

I’ve seen that here in the States, too. Very un-pizza looking name and boxes.

We used to call that ‘cardboard’ pizza and eat it by the boxfull.

We used to call that ‘cardboard’ pizza and eat it by the boxfull.

Do you mean the Craster Bastard?

What if Conor said “Dance for me, boyo!” instead of “Dance for me, boy!”

No Infernal Machine?

Did you really just ask that? “What’s the point?’

Did you really just ask that? “What’s the point?’

“How many ounces in a cup?”

“How many ounces in a cup?”

Board sauce. If your grilled meat is resting on a plate or cutting board, it will lose a little juice that will collect on the plate. If you cut up a large piece of meat into smaller service portions, you will lose more juice.

Any Truffle Shuffling?

No mention of his 146 earlier this week? or Selby’s 143?

Interesting that he said he was tired before executing a flawless break.

Much more impressive than a paper mache mask and a garbage bag life raft...

Ashley, FBI Snoop Level 65 reached!

Can we stuff all these blowhards into the Thing Your Aunt Gave You?

Did he take out the SDcart and blow on it?