
and you’d be crazy

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The Massive Attack Uncharted trailer still ranks in my Top Ten....

Sad that the ashes of Hollywood Park gave birth to a phoenix of mediocre football in LA.

Agreed. I was hoping they played a Steve Harvey on her and sent her into a Carrie moment.

Really? He’s a Sanitation Worker, First Class. is that still the top trooper that Phasma could find?

I think a lot of us were too giddy with excitement at the John Williams orchestral blast to read that crawl AND digest it properly!

Or put a trashman on a critical mission to recover the map to Luke?

The most glaring issue with Captain Phasma as a SysAdmin is:

I was once handed something similar to this one by a girl at a dive bar.

Ah.... Mission Center Road at Hazard Center Drive and the San Diego River in 92123. A few blocks from where I used to live.


Ever read the Burnweed theories on how this band came to be and what the represent?

Don’t get me wrong... I’m not complaining about the ‘washed together’ sound. It’s definintely part of the Madchester sound. I’m just saying that it wouldn’t make for a good backing track on Rock Band.

The sound on those early recordings is so washed together that I’m not sure that you could make a decent Rock Band track.

My first thought. Well done.


The reasons for your love of Net Lights are the exact reason they suck for holiday lights. “Evenly spaced” and “Done in minutes” are (generally) hallmarks of shitty light placement.