The Kinja Assassin

Republicans basically want the China system in America except exchange Communism for Evangelical Christianity. Totalitarianism mixed with rampant unregulated capitalism? If you’re a Republican, what’s not to like.

Checked out her upcoming projects on her Wikipedia. It looks like the only thing on her plate is some sort of digital wellness show on the Ellen DeGeneres Network. (By the way, things I did not know until a few minutes ago: Ellen DeGeneres has her own network.) I just want to applaud the career of Lea Michele. From

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I remember watching that movie S.W.A.T. years ago (the one with Samuel L Jackson and Colin Farrell) and in the early parts, there’s a sequence where they’re putting the team together. One of the candidates is a guy whose had no civilian complaints on his service record and he tells them that he tries to be courteous

The whole point of Joe Biden’s ascension is that the Democratic Party believes he will appeal to old white swing voters who might be disenchanted with Trump. They don’t need to balance him off since Democrats of all ilks are all in to vote against Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if his V.P. is a nice little white

I don’t know. Stringer Bell was intelligent. He had some weird writing. Sometimes he was the Tywin Lannister of the drug trade and sometimes he had a naivete depending on what the story needed. His torture of Brandon only backfired because Omar had some insane plot armor. Being “rainmade” by Clay Davis was confusing.

And what sucks, even if it’s proven to be untrue, Republicans are going to hold this over Democrats in the election.

Probably not. But to make up for that, we’ll get Baron Harkonnen in a speedo.

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Just taking this opportunity to post my favorite Stevie Wonder performance.

A significant chunk of his base is unable to really understand things without it having a direct impact on their lives. The potential difference here is that if the pandemic continues to be handle in the half-assed way he is handling it, everyone is going to be personally impacted.

Or did the board make all those nominations, and then resign to escape the inevitable backlash and firing, as a final fuck-you to the French film community?

The whole defense is one hail mary of a pass. Her client is a monster of a human being with dozens of accusers. Her options are limited, but still....she’s probably getting paid a hefty thirty pieces of silver to sell out her gender to defend Harvey so she might as well dig deep into the bullshit and place the blame

It’s been exploitative up and down the line. The girl (“Jessica”) was exploited by the men in her life. She was exploited by this woman (“Zola”) who not only helped pimp her out, but posted her story (with photos outing “Jessica”) on Twitter for views (and an eventual movie deal) and whose been treated like a heroine

I think this is a case where the Academy (may be) awarding her by proxy for her Big Little Lies performance. Sort of like how McConaghey’s Oscar was in part recognition for his True Detective work from that same year. (If I remember correctly, TD S1 was running around the same time as the Academy members were voting

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It was great, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t even the best Super Bowl performance ever in that stadium. Prince still holds that honor. Performing Purple Rain in the rain? All-time classic.

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On the one hand, we shouldn’t be encouraging senior citizens to fight heroin smuggling South African dirty cops led by Jet Li. On the other hand, I’ve been missing those Eric Clapton strings.

I hate to bring the party down, but this story has always been fucked up. And not in an entertaining way. You got a woman getting sexually exploited and assaulted and somebody else exploiting her story for views and an eventual movie deal. Meanwhile, the exploited girl (and her ex-boyfriend) were publicly outed and

Except instead of cups of tea, it’s NBC paychecks.

My theory on who pushed to get their own track in the Song Of The Year category is either Gaga or Taylor Swift. I figure it would have to be a major player with a lot of pull in the industry who could intimidate the other people in the committee with an obvious bullshit move like this. Pushing your own song feels

I was going to say they look like a Real Housewives cast picture. It’s always surreal looking at 70 year olds in their full rock gear. There’s probably a song in that. “The sad old musician clutching at a youth that’s already slipped through his fingers.” Would make a great Aerosmith track.