The Kinja Assassin

I may not agree with you on one point. I don’t see how so much of this both siderist crap could make it on air - without- some closeted or not so closeted wingnuts in the cast or writers room.

Right. You just keep him under contract and don’t use his character for that season. Actors don’t mind it that much because they usually are able to work on other projects as long as they’ll still be available when the show needs them again. Or you can do what Game Of Thrones did with Theon. He disappears for a large

I was about to post a spiel agreeing with you, but I couldn’t get past this quote:

You’re right. This isn’t body positivity. This feels like somebody starving for validation and willing to circus sideshow herself to get it. This just makes me sad. Somebody has to tell her you don’t have to be on all the time. Just wear regular clothes and enjoy the game.

It’s all they have. They don’t have any real ideology beyond cynicism and validation through rancor. I’d feel sorry for them except their assholes. So.

It is weird. The logic seems to be that the Obamas buying a luxury property is some sort of GOTCHA moment. I think they really do consider the Left as communists. Like it’s a betrayal of our ideals to be wealthy which isn’t the case. The Left just thinks the wealthy should share more with the other 99%. Anyway, the

Now playing

2. Prince was a vastly underrated guitarist (IMO)

Never have been much of a fan of his music, but I did like a bunch of his SNL stuff and he was perfect as a internet gazillionaire douchebag in The Social Network.

Oh, man. Little baby Noam with the big ears and poofy white hair. Too adorable.

The strategy in 2020 seems to be to focus on a kinder, gentler Trump type to appeal to mythical white baby boomer swing voters. That’s why all the front-runners have been boomers. Buttgeig recent upswing is an aberration. It’s still a Biden/Sanders race. But it’s probably Biden’s since the progressives haven’t really

Clint Eastwood and troubling portrayals of women, name a more iconic duo.

Eastwood has been trading in on his auteur reputation to pump out conservative propaganda for awhile now. Gran Torino. American Sniper. Now this. You could probably draw a line back through his Dirty Harry movies and Josey Wales and all the rest.

The lock thing sprung out at me too. I can’t believe the Secret Service signed off on that one. They must have fought it tooth and nail and it shows how much he REALLY wanted that lock for them to relent. As to why he wanted it, it could be standard megalomaniacal paranoia, but it’s probably infidelity. I’d be

“Why, my husband also likes to drink from the gallon glasses...wait a second!?”

I hadn’t seen her quotes. I understand what she’s saying. She just comes off as patronizing about it. Anyway, I can’t wait to see the movie.

After all this time of the Clapback Mailbag, nothing really surprises me anymore. I do have to say that the woman giving out her POC history made me chuckle. Like three paragraphs of marginal relationships and her Spotify playlist to prove her bonafides. We don’t need to hear your resume. Just make your case. That’s

But a municipality does not have constitutional rights to free speech, the all-Republican Supreme Court argued in its decision.

I was going to say that NBC is trying to become the next FOX, but all the networks are trying to tap into that demographic since the only people that watch network television are mostly old baby boomer whites. I once saw one of of that persuasion complain about a commercial because the couple in it were interracial.

I’d never eat food some random person gave me on a subway train, but I appreciate the thought. Happy Holidays.