Come on, for a white guy from eastern Europe who’s never been to the US...
Come on, for a white guy from eastern Europe who’s never been to the US...
BTW I’m guessing that this really is a cost-saving measure masquerading as a principled stand. I mean, I’m sure they’re genuine in their beliefs. But I also know that those razor-thin restaurant margins are the reason why so many of them fail. Their place will get an initial boost as the MAGAs come out to support…
I’ve been trying to figure out which group is the Group Of Death. It’s a tough call, but I have to go with Official White People. They do the most damage and that is a stacked class of dickishness. Also, they literally cause more death than the other groups.
He’s perfectly comfortable with the status quo because it works for him. He’s a black man that validates white people. As long as he continues doing that, he’ll always be welcome in the house. Occasionally, his skin color will cause him some awkward moments (the occasional racist joke, being pulled over for driving…
All I can think of is how scared Emmett Till must have been through the whole ordeal. The fear and the pain. And then these scumbags deface his memorial. They were cowards back then. Bunch of adults murdering a boy. They’re cowards now. Just a bunch of shit-kicking redneck cowards just like their parents and…
Guessing the third one is the enjoyable sequel.
And its not like we have to run one-size-fits-all candidates. If the Democratic party wants to run progressives in blue-friendly districts, fine. But in swing or red states, centrists will have more success.
You literally get a win/win scenario: either the candidate defies accepted logic, wins and we gain a seat or they lose and you get to rub salt in our progressive wound.
You literally get a win/win scenario: either the candidate defies accepted logic, wins and we gain a seat or they lose and you get to rub salt in our progressive wound.
Are we supposed to be surprised? FOX News is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Goebbels to criticize the Fuhrer or his attacks on the media.
Oh, plenty. A few songs: Boo Subaru (“My girl is my boo, my boo Subaru.”) Subaru In My Hoohoo (Don’t ask.) Popo On My Blue Blue. (“See them spots in my mirror, baby blue Subaru now in gear.”) Some others.
I can guess what they’re probably going for. A talented woman has to moonlight and sell her body/sexuality to pay the bills in the cold city. I don’t know. If it was me, I’m probably go with something a little more whimsical than a stripper pole. Its a fashion calendar not a Maxim calendar. Just put her in some nice…
What a combo. Abusive police officer and stolen valor dickhead in one package. Times two. I do like that the department has “started” the termination process. Started? Here’s a box. You got ten minutes to get your shit and get out. But I do understand that there are probably byzantine rules in terminating a police…
China has endorsements too. They have companies with tons of money and consumers who like to buy products just like we do. And Dwayne Wade would probably be the biggest name to play in China yet. He would still come out ahead if he moved over there.
I don’t know. This comes off as crazy and desperate. I agree with what other people are saying that while this is probably a bluff (they can’t get the 2/3 votes in the Senate unless there’s some obscure simply majority rule for impeachment votes.) But it also acts as cover for Trump to possibly fire Rosenstein…
Same thing happened in the comics. For decades, we had people in spandex punching out bad guys and everybody was happy. Sure, you had the occasional Spider-Man or Green Arrow junkie story, but overall nobody messed with the tried-and-true formula. Then 1986 came around and you had The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen…
This is my favorite theory.
But I’m pretty sure the rage about John Boyega’s Finn character in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens wasn’t because of white fans’ collective desire for historical accuracy.