
Keep on rockin’ in the free world….

i have the feeling that lots of them southerners who love this song are both obese & milking welfare.

It’s a quirk of our legal system that requires intentionality to commit a crime. The idea being that people can’t convicted for stuff they didn’t intend to do or have no control over. Like if someone tricked them, or set them up, etc.

Well, I’m not so sure about that. Do you have any idea how easy it is to get your hands on a loaded gun in the US? Toddlers do it all the time, and they ain’t exactly criminal masterminds. Likewise, getting oneself to a major airport certainly does not require any great intellect or planning.

You can do all of those things while still believing you’re Neptune, Grand Sultan of the Seven Seas, who needs to shoot at the sky beasts. 

At the Ohio Kroger I go to they make it right there in front of you.

IIRC from when I lived near a Kroger, the sushi was made on site. I can’t speak to the quality of the ingredients (or the pay for employees), but I don’t think it was pre-packaged and shipped to stores.

It doesn’t take a STEM degree to realize that a few examples don’t prove general statistics wrong.  Maybe you should have taken a stats class or two.

RIP, ICE powertrain engineers.

I can’t comprehend millions being “fuck it” money.

It’s not a “boomer” thing at all. It’s a human thing. Most of us value the past. And things of historical significance take on additional value. That’s why we have museums. That’s why antiques and vintage [things] are in demand - even among Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z’ers.

The chassis ID of that Ferrari sold for $1.9M. The scrap metal they tossed in for free. It has LONG passed the point where you can make a brand new one of these from scratch for less than it costs to buy one in good condition, but without that all-important chassis ID, it’s not a Ferrari (and Ferrari will sue your ass

White privilege at its finest.

Living your best life is just different for some people I guess.

Love how all white supremacists look like they are missing a few chromosomes themselves. 

Dude, stop being a dunce. He clearly knew that it was a conservatorship back when it all took place. And wrote about it in 2011. The guy made over $30M in his NFL career. What the hell did he do with all that money?

lol, EVs all having dead batteries in 15 years shows the greatest lack of understanding of how batteries and battery recycling actually works that I’ve read in a long time. This is dumb, and not at all how it’ll shake out. We already have 11 year old Model S EVs on the road and they’re largely still chugging along

So gross that we are idolizing (greatest of all time WHAT?) these women who happen to be beautiful. They made my generation feel awful about ourselves, and really kicked off the plunge of self esteem for teenage girls.

I don’t disagree with anything you said. But that’s true for most people who are successful at selling what they look like.

I’ve never understood the reverence for this group. Of course they’re attractive, now and then. They’re whole lifestyle has been about making the rest of us feel awkward and unattractive. They’ve made their living shilling cosmetics and weird clothes. Why, people, why? This is everything wrong with the world. This