
Isn’t this the same special lady who submitted a request that taxpayers reimburse her for nearly $50K worth of stolen luggage? (Including $300 moisturizer and an Ivanka Trump necklace, if I recall correctly—so on-brand!) I am constantly impressed by how Trump even FINDS these people. I mean, most of the press

The Wench Who Stole $6 Million

When your job is literally to deny medical care to as many people as possible, causing suffering and even death, and you're good at it and somehow proud of your accomplishments, it shows. Money and makeup can't cover up evil.

You assume all of that 6 million went towards PR. I’m sure there’s an offshore account under some dummy corporation with about 5.9 million sitting in it.

Gingrich is one of the founders of scorched-earth attempts to subvert democracy in the pursuit of power at all costs. His leadership over the years-long attempt to tarnish Clinton, ultimately impeaching him as a result of his lying under oath on one count, helped further the division in this country to where it is

Sorry, I don’t negotiate with terrorists intent on exterminating democrats. You don’t believe that’s what they want, then you’re not paying attention.

Biden will be both more competent and a substantially better person.

Any engineer that doesn't understand why we're moving to EVs and who doesn't see the massive development opportunities should not be holding a job.

A sack of potatoes would be more competent than Trump.

You want to defend Trump and his supporters, go right ahead.

The current party’s composition is fascinating to me. It is a coalition of horrible racists, rich people, religious end-days cultist fanatics, and scared white people.

If all Biden does is not lie and try to do a competent job without the vengeance, narcissism, and hostility, he’ll be ahead.

I’m not happy with Trump, but Biden can’t possibly be any more competent.

If you look at, say, Europe’s recovery from COVID 19, or South Korea, and then look at the US .... you don’t think a better government response to reign in COVID would have had massive economic upsides?  Europe is back at work now, so is SK.

Biden can’t possibly be any more competent.

2nd Gear: His supporters are deplorable racists and he is their cult leader.

Who cares that that fat orange fuck killed THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS? TF is wrong with you? We should all fucking care that treasonous, treacherous, nitwit murdered thousands of Americans with his bullshit. Fuck you, you uncaring callous asshole. You need your ass whipped. I’m completely disgusted with your total

It’s easy to blame Woodward, but don’t shoot the messenger. Bob Woodward didn’t take an oath to protect and defend the United States, Trump did. Could Woodward had sound the alarm? Yes, but it would’ve been met with denials, even with the tapes. Blame instead Trump and the thousands of enablers in his administration

This!! 188,000 times this!! Woodward may be a shithead, but he isn’t the fucking president of the fucking united states of fucking america. The two levels of responsibility aren’t even comparable.

While I’m not going to defend Woodward’s actions, please do keep in mind that this is being used as a distraction to try and deflect attention from the fact that Trump knew what was coming, lied about it, and tens of thousands died that didn’t need to.