
#CenterMassUntilThreatDrops #Jesus” .... He read a different version of the bible than I did.

I mean, sure, but for the US as a whole? Half the entire US military deaths of WW2, an unemployment rate that would make the depression blush, and leadership that caused both the previous notes maybe getting ANOTHER four years? That’s catastrophic.

Or, on a pure lives lost basis, we’re already about halfway through the US WW2 deaths since March.

Over 4 years the US lost ~0.3% of its population to WW2. So far we’ve lost ~0.05% in 6 months, which would result in the US losing ~0.4% of its population over the length of our involvement in WW2.

It is times like this that I reflect on those brave American farmers, clerks, bakers, blacksmiths, etc. that took up arms in the Revolutionary War to gain our independence from England.

I know it’s been said before, but I feel like at some point we need to cease with the cutesy names and begin reporting these with cold, brief language. Same as if you’d imagine a black and white news report from the old days, “A local woman verbally assaulted three joggers with a slew of racial slurs. She approached

2nd gear: Sounds like we’re in the tail end of the early adopter phase of EV’s. They’re still a bit of a niche product, but the infrastructure is growing by leaps and bounds. And more mainstream high end products are in the works.

Okay, I know that I am old and a luddite, but how exactly is it necessarily bad that we don’t see a faster model turnover in EVs. Really, how? With average age of vehicles on the road today at 11 years or so, that means a shit-ton of folks don’t get hung up on buying a new model because shiney. Most model changes are

But, but....I was informed that there were no cheaters in CoD, that it’s all about the gaming chair, and if I complain it’s because I “teh suck” and should “git gud”. I cant believe it was all lies. 

As long as Trump is president this will never stop ever.

Cool story, bro.

How did Obama start the fire? Did he name call the opposition party? Did he call them the enemy? Did he threaten them with violence? Did Obama mock conservatives? Trump did. Except it was against democrats.

All Obama did was try and unite the country. Hating Obama was projection on the conservatives part. A predisposed

Is there a compelling reason to get 2K21 if you’re still playing and enjoying The Golf Club 2019, from the same developer?

I think every major writer who makes independent series since Moore has covered that topic at some point.

Idk. Rich white guy using violence throughout low income communities while generally ignoring the impacts of their collateral damage, disregarding the giant link between poverty and crime, and never seemingly reducing crime rates in that city seems pretty on point.

I dread a future world of unique EV charging plugs for each manufacturer. It needs to be standardized.

Comic books lied to us. Vigilantes don’t make us safer.

Alternately, tell companies that benefit from corporate welfare (i.e LOTS of them, whether in the form of tax abatement, “non profit” status, or government contracts) that they are not allowed to *require* a 4 year degree as a condition of employment or even a “preferred” qualification UNLESS they are willing to offer

They tried that back in 1865. Didn’t work out so well for them.

Really, so a German humanities degree has the reputation of being cheap at German universities because of the lucrative ... checks notes ... German book-publishing industry?