
First rule of gun safety: never point a gun at something unless you really, REALLY want to shoot that thing. Idk what the stand your ground laws are there, but they should be damn happy that none of the protestors were armed. That shit was a legitimate threat, Karen or no

Wait-wait. So you haven’t even PLAYED the game and somehow feel entitled to comment on whether or not it’s a “good game”?


Honestly, that sounds pretty insane, when the best part of a game for someone is making a character dying again and again and again, instead of trying to understand what the writers wanted to tell you.

True that CISC processors today makes use of execution pipelines that are more RISC-like, but keeping it as simple as possible for those who are less familiar with CPU architecture, x86 is, on the front-end, CISC. In reality, the lines between CISC and RISC are more blurred today, yet there are still fundamental

It must suck to not experience empathy. Maybe talk to a psychiatrist.

Except they’re not greyed anymore once you reply, regardless of your screenshot. Taking and posting a screenshot of their initially greyed out comment just stinks of some bull shit elitism. Besides, this particular person didn’t even use the phrase “SJW”, so I don’t know why you’re being a jerk to them.

They have to conform to DOT regs for noise like any other new bike. The factory exhaust on my Lowrider years ago was almost moped-quiet. 

They don’t.

You can thank the owner for making his bike loud. It didn’t come from the factory that way. 

Rough month?

I used to be a fan of the Beatles until they started singing songs about love and holding hands.

I’m not listening to The Bangles again until they sing about walking like an American.

Beetles don’t even have hands!
Stick to songs about things you know, like tarsal attachment, you stupid insects!

A lot of people are going to die.

I think he just nuked davez67 from orbit...just to be sure.

That’s amazing.

Everybody’s biting Roger Ebert:

Also from Tom Morello. Pretty sure “davez67" is former House Speak Paul Ryan: 

You know who has hands? The Devil. And he uses them to hold things.