
IIRC, requirement is to ride an American made bike and at the time HD was about the only domestic brand going. HD kind of keeps the 1%’ers at arms distance. To the point Zito takes offense and suggested that they should ride Hondas. I guess you could ride a Victory or Indian. But the parts catalog is so, relatively,

An engineer can do for 50 cents what any fool can do for a dollar?

Nevere mind, misread. Apologies for inaccuracies

What are these “terrible live-action remakes” of which you speak? I did not watch any such movies because I am not a kid to which Disney typically aims such releases; they’re not FOR me. If they’re indeed terrible, why are they making them? Don’t see Disney throwing away money if they weren’t selling.
TL;DR - Maybe

Add in money saved by doing my own large appliance repair, replacing the suspension on my car, doing my own small engine repair, and so on, YT premium has paid for itself several times over.

Getting the snip is quick and will pay for itself in things you’ll no longer need.

So Catherine married Joe Walsh and Barbara Bach married Ringo. Lesson is, don’t cut music class kids, it can pay off in the end!

As someone said, adjusting for the effects of climate change will certainly involve adaption, mitigation, and suffering. We had a point where we could choose what would be the focus of our path forward, and we chose suffering.

No doubt. Every year I have to take training to avoid the appearance of impropriety. In every sense of the word, this is a bribe and even if he paid back the “loan”, it is still a bribe. Beyond a company branded t-shirts, no; friends cannot give friends gifts, pay for relatives houses, give them RV’s at cherry loan

You have the right to remain silent; what you lack is the capacity.

I’d like to know as well. It is said that this is from stock options wherein, one decides to buy or sell at a future date. I assume that means Tesla agreed to buy them back at the market value at a certain date. So yes, I (again assume, but what do I know) think Tesla would transfer 56B to Musk. Where they get that

Air Traffic control can be a stress inducing job. Not many of us have the lives of complete strangers in our hands and could face the kind of repercussions that they do for a relatively average paycheck (same for airplane mechanics). An extreme example is the controller on duty when that BAL Bashkirian and DHL flight

Just a note as a former boater. You were always cautioned to be careful when calling for a tow or assistance getting off a sand bar if grounded. Depending on circumstances, the assisting vessel could claim salvage rights and basically charge you the market price of your boat to get it back. Maritime law is weird and

Although I agree with your sentiments, open and maintained sea lanes are a benefit to society as a whole. This is why we use tax dollars to dredge channels to maintain navigation. American workers can’t sell their manufactured goods abroad without shipping. As such we, as a whole, have skin in the game and should pony

A few stations have the smaller add-on washes. They seem pretty self-sufficient. The larger washes have teams of low paid workers doing the final wipe-downs of multiple cars at a time, protectant applications, etc. Even if many workers are not completely legit, finding, managing, and paying these folks makes this type

False equivelencies. A lot of normal people travel more than celebrities. Those careers are not being cancelled or put on the chopping block. If your career/lifestyle does not require travel, don’t compare your CO2 emissions to theirs.
The “self annoited” betters are either elected officials or representatives

Well, he is right. The break down of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that are released at ground surface are the typical ozone depleting compounds. Basically, burning Jet 1A (kersoene) gives you CO2 and water. Sure, green house gases, but not ozone depleting compounds.

And then said red states (with red legislatures and governors to make this happen) get to see how few voters that they actually have and Biden gets an even larger win.

If someone looks at the fine print, this is pretty common. Although the cruise is to <location>, all they will really guarantee is that the boat will leave harbor and go somewhere. As noted, sailing into a storm is hardly the way people would want to spend time at sea, better to go to another location than be sea sick

Trick slides; they’re ALL bad. Except for maybe a few traditional songs around the week of Christmas, they could all be put into an industrial furnace and the world would be better for it.