
And Packers. Nothing against Green Bay and their fans, I just could not stomach two weeks of AR fawning and then the game would be equally stomach churning.

That’s my take. I had the Rift, PSVR, and my son has the Quest 2. Putting those wired headsets on was a pain and getting the Quest over my glasses isn’t much better. It’s just a lot of adjusting and finagling to get into a restrictive environment that makes existing in meat-space while gaming that much more

Huh. I’m not a Jeep guy, but comments seem to suggest that these are widely used as ‘mall crawlers’. That is, like most sport SUV’s, they may never see a lick of dirt in their life. If that’s the case, you’d think Jeep would re-design the front end to accommodate this road-oriented usage while keeping all the other

OK, I legit chuckled.

Huh, ‘making money faster’. Sounds to me like you’re doing it wrong and are sour others figured it out before you did. Ever think that they are the ones out there hustling and you’re the one taking the easy way out?

Yeah, that was really necessary. smh.

Wow, those shoes.  Is there a real or perceived downside to being of a smaller stature in the Hollywood biz?

FWIW, comparing EV to ICE with highway miles is always going to lead to closer estimates of total cost. ICE are most efficient at highway speeds when the engine is in the powerband. Acceleration is where they are most inefficient, like stopping and starting around town (remember kids, no jack-rabbit starts will save

Getting a little conspiratorial are we? Most dealers WANT to know if things are missing and will legitimately look into any issues. No one wants a thief on staff and even less will knowingly cover for them.

Hi, I’m Amber and these are my legs.

According to the article linked below, the husband removed the guns, presumably because he did not want his wife et al., to be able to defend herself. Also in the comments to that article is the usual ‘she would have defended herself and things would have been different if she had a weapon’ posted by the internet

Heh, sounds like normal married life to me.

To get enough defaults to justify a move into bankruptcy protections and then re-organize/re-negotiate all the financials.

My first thought was Dennis Rodman

>absolutely the most entitled individuals on the planet.

As Gen-X, trust me, we’re now seeing friends and family die off from time and facing other real-life issues-kids, tuition, ailing parents. What game developers, show runners, Star Wars executives, et al. do are kind of non-issues to us. I’m not going to follow you down the ageist rabbit hole you’ve dug except to

Pretty standard for your other cars? Like whom? I have never been offered that from any service manager. And I use dealer service regularly.  

Is that legal? I thought written write on the bill was “Legal tender for all debts public and private.” The U.S treasury lets merchants refuse the coin of the realm?

I’ve never bought a new American car. I’ve bought several new foreign (Subaru/VW/Hyundai) cars. Those dealerships are always chill and quiet. I had to get a loaner for some maintenance and they sent me across the lot to the sister Dodge dealership to get the loaner. Holy mother of god, it was a circus. And by circus I

C’mon, don’t sugarcoat it.