
It does suck. Both by being associated with opinions that you find repugnant AND coming here and getting implicitly pilloried for daring to actually buy and ride what you like. If parallel twins are your thing, get the Speed. If you really prefer the Harley, get that. Life is too short to be navigating the seas of “wh

Yep, that’s me, a Nazi because Wolfman deems it so. Every other good thing a person has done in their life is null and void because they “clutches pearls” ride a <i>Harley</i>. Oh my.

I’m right there with you. ‘cept most HD riders I meet are just fine who don’t cos play anything. I rarely talk politics with them cause I frankly don’t care what they have to say or who’s ass they are up. Talking bikes, music, beer, weed is fun though. Same planet, different world. Bigger issue are non-riders and

>a decades long reputation for high price and poor reliability

A mediocre coach revealed as a bad coach once Buddy Ryan stopped organizing his defense.

Engine emit CO2 and water vapor. Both green house gasses, directly injected into the upper atmosphere away from many sinks to their presence.

Check your geology for information on the Permian mass extinction. The world very near had a cataclysmic collapse from elevated temperatures. Only today, thanks to other aspects of human activity, the earth can’t support all the massive swamps and other paludal environments that served as CO2 sinks (and later became

Check out “Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man”. Among other things, getting third world countries wrapped up in debt is/was a play from the American foreign policy playbook. Basically, America goes (went?) into poor countries, offer to give loans for infrastructure improvement (with the condition that the work must be

The only service they really want to do is the first one. Basically a chance to make sure everything is tight and working correctly after the first thousand mile shake down. After that, they are completely cool with riders doing their own maintenance so long as you do not monkey with the emissions (aftermarket tuner).

Based on the typical positive/negative comment spread for any Harley article on Jalop, any Harley at any price would probably result in the current 86% CP vote.  

Goddamn, I wish those who are supporting protesters by providing bricks would come to my house and organize my stacks so neatly. That they took the time to so neatly stack them in such an orderly fashion (as opposed to, you know, dumping a load of much cheaper rocks) is a testament to their concern for protesters

I think they have vaccines for corona viruses in animals. Human trials never went to far as the last time there was a need the virus went ‘away’. Dunno about H1N1, but HIV mutates like an SOB, so can’t get a vaccine for that. Treatments are really far along, however.

I’d hardly consider a Bolt midsize.

Depending on your state, your dad should definitely get his endorsement before heading out on the open roads. He should also look into a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) New Rider course. He might be able to get this as part of the sales agreement of a new bike if he bought from a participating HD dealer. Nobody

Former boat owner here. Whenever buying a used boat (or even new, some say) you always hear “get a boat survey” like a broken record skipping. Thing is, in the surveying agreement it always says something to the tune of “not responsible for anything I missed.” Myself, and most other boat owners I know, can tell

Check the “After they were Famous” show on YouTube for Willy Wonka. Julie is holding up very well. The actor who played Violet didn’t do much after the movie and, sadly, passed away not too long ago.

Easy answer: Hyundai Kona Electric. (or Kia Niro Electric, for something slightly detuned and larger)

Probably best to just buy the technology that suits your -current- needs and not worry about “future proofing” or what will show up 1 day, week, year from now. If that fails, eBay, Swappa, OEM trade-in programs, and the like.

Disagree wholeheartedly. SD suffered from the same fate as the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, and so many older bands. Their new music is great, but the tightly formatted radio stations (you got your Pop, Classic Rock, Classical, Country, and Sports) won’t play it. Sure, cue up Kid Charlemange or Maybe I’m Amazed for

Personally, I disagree. My take is that people only tolerate he and his family because of the office he occupies. Once that is gone, and he can’t use veiled threats from his lackies (Barr, etc) as a bludgeon, they’ll be more than happy to ignore them in the circles they think they deserve to swim in. “You made us look