
I don’t have a dog in this fight. But 40 hrs is hardly “a RIDICULOUS amount of time” for one of the key characters as opposed to some cantina jabronie. And once you get there, it should be a big decision. Want to do it again? Invest the time (and help keep the BF2 world going instead of everyone topping out and

I don’t believe one word of this post. Besides - loud pipes (stock pipes are quiet, they are only loud if you add after market pipes (like any other type of moto vehicle)) - high gas consumption (the same as any other MPG for similar displacement) - low power (Yes, because every new rider should be on a Gixxer or

Boy, based on this article’s intro. you must be a real hoot to be around. “I don’t want to go!” “Everything is awful!” “Let me just sit here and order in front of my computer screen on my ever enlarging butt!” Bunch of teacups can’t even function in store anymore. Help us all when real adversity comes along.

>In the 1990s, when I was in school? 

Neutral: Has Dieselgate changed your opinion of Volkswagen? Or will you keep buying its cars regardless of the scandal?

Moonroof? Not an option on ‘16's Did they add it to ‘17s?

Not to mention, that means that the OTD price for the original asking price would have been $43,250 (or more, depending on how taxes are calc’d) I’m pretty sure that’s more than I paid for my new Golf-R OTD.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am not big on test rides for kicks, but I might have to break that rule this time around.

Yep - A reliable bike that fills its user’s needs without yearly or bi-annual upgrades to the latest and greatest is indeed a problem.

It does if you mean buying a used bike is a good way to get less depreciation after purchase. The VRod line was discontinued.

You haven’t read many HD forums have you? HD isn’t catering to them, many are crying because HD dared eliminate the Dyna line and dared to mess with the Softails styling. HD can’t win either way, can they?

No kidding (and I ride an HD RGS). Have you seen the price of CVO’s? 41+K. I mean, good on you if you have the money; you can’t take it with you so if you are going to use it knock yourself out. They are nice if that’s what you’re into and you can’t build one up yourself for cheaper than that. But sheesh. I was

Good list, and they are expensive. If HD needs to get younger riders involved, then that is a tough nut to crack at these price levels. I just don’t care for the Sporters as ‘entry’ level bikes (they’re kind of expensive too) and the Streets are a little too focused on the urban rider and foreign markets. They really

I don’t know if you’ve learned this yet .... but just to live on this planet you have to be “at least a little bit douche.” Trust me, no matter how even keeled and centered you think that you are, you are a “douche” to someone, someway almost every day of your life. Whether you meant it, or realized it or not, in some

“this is supposed to be a motorcycle fan site”

“Want everything a HD is,..”

“but gag at the thought of having to wave back at the living stereotype who just rode past in the other direction.”

The money for an electraglide is right up there with a Goldwing [Yep]. I’m not the focus of everyone’s attention on the Goldwing [And you are on an E. Glide?], and it’s more comfortable [personal opinion], smoother [yep], doesn’t rattle you at idle[since you’re talking new, the new M8 engines are counterbalanced,

5 HP on what, a 350 HP engine? If so, that is like 1% and probably well within the error of the method, machine, weather change, humidity, etc. Otherwise stated, short of replicate runs and efforts to remove the noise, I’d consider 5 HP to basically support the builder’s contention that there is no difference. And

>Harley caters to degenerate old vietnam veterans who have