
You did it Cobra Joe! Job well done you snake in the grass you, awww shucks!

TWO WORDS, LUDICROUS MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But BMW’s don’t come with insane mode. Or Ludicrous mode. It seems your BMW is destined to lose many stoplight Gran-Prix and Drag Races to the Tesla, but the Bimmer will dance around a track quite nicely.

Hmmmm, who has the best charging network? Is that Tesla? 3.5 Seconds, is that it? Tesla does 2.9 with P90D Ludicrous mode. By the time this comes out Tesla would have Model S 2.0 on the streets. Good show but it’s still a fantasy, Model S is real and here now!

The Tesla Model S outsells the S-Class.

You don't have that problem with a Tesla. Ahhhh the future will be great indeed.

Does it have an insane mode? What about ludicrous mode? Surely we've all evolved past sport mode by now, oh I forgot ICE can't really get over the air updates like that one car can, dang.

So it's slower in the quarter mile than a P85D, hmmmmm interesting. Doing 200 mph is interesting too.

Hell yes, Tesla Model 3 here I come! Or maybe a used P85 and whoop up on these manual gear heads at every stoplight, every on ramp. Ferrari ,Lamborghini, Chorvette boys beware. The Electrics are coming. This is such great news. I used the last rebate to buy my first house in California - Go VA Loan - , I might sell

But I thought the Tesla Model S had a hatch? Come on now, shall I spank thee gas burning riot of a car to oblivion?