
Is there somewhere to watch the whole race? I was working while it was on.

seriously? this makes the front page of jalopnik? I've been listening to this for like 2 months

This seems weird on modern Fuchs

Nice, I always wanted ass crack bolstering. Why dont more cars come equipped with this?

I feel like Part 3 was a shot across my bow for my compendium about Koenigsegg. Yes, that moment was stored in the spank bank as well.

Protip: The sun visor reflects the gearbox.

I wasn't aware they changed the angle of the individual rotors. I kinda just assumed to go down they just throttled down the main rotor. Thats nuts, what a complicated system that must be.

Nah bro, just homemade slicks

anyone else spot the Martini livery Porsche at the end?

Well... that settles it.

I thought Horch was pronounced "Hoish"

This is the article I expect from OPPO... thank you for the terrific write up. This is what I'd like to do for fun when I'm done with school.

Well that goes without saying but everyone loves a Cinderella story. And being the team leader for an up and comer is just as useful. Its not like you don't have your moment on track.

Mr. Spinelli... did you write this article for me? Looks like I have to start up the FSAE team for my school. I think the focus with be the electric competition. So if I get passed over for SpaceX, I can always join Tesla.

I would watch RCRs Cayman review if you haven't seen it yet

You can't lie that the Cayman video was amazingly done though. But I do agree this Gonzo Automotive Journalism has a place, but not as a carbon copy to Fear and Loathing

Its work for you. When I went to the press day this year I had no clue exactly what to expect so I, like RCR was looking at the teleprompters because it seemed so forced. But no one else cared. I figured because they had all seen it before.

I'm gonna duck out of here before things get serious...

It looks like they're asking for $100,000 per sharp corner on this car. Lamborghini is the only one who can pull off this look. This looks overstyled and tacky.

I got hit on by a booth girl at the show. She was attractive and I could have easily gotten her number but instead I told her to go to Carnegie Deli and get a hot pastrami sandwich because this was her first time in NYC.