

Looks like a blocky, low-res shooter to me. Anything particularly compelling about it?

Google is fantastic any time of the year. Though this article is about Outcast. You must be lost, kid. Find a working brain and come back sometime this century.

With this and MOL Points being removed, it's like Valve are actively pushing me towards GOG or something.

What is this game and why are the people as tall as mountains? Or why are the mountains as short as people?

I stopped playing this game about 3/4 of the way through because I remember seeing on the internet that you could backtrack all the way to the Von Braun. So I did. And I got lost trying to find my way back. Game Over.

Yup, that color scheme is Morrowind alright.

It's pronounced "Sooy-ko-den", dammit. Say "Phooey" and then add "koden" and you've got it. If you say "Phwee-ko-den", you're doing it wrong. The stress is on the first syllable (yes, there are two!)

I remember looking for a remedy for this somewhere and found that turning your head fully in the other direction from where it hurts the most and then tilting it, again away from said direction, actively stretching for about 5-10 seconds and then repeating the process tends to lessen, if not almost completely

That's you, I guess. I'd give the mobs a bit of health so I can take my time showing off my characters' skillsets, and to make it look like playing the game is an actual challenge rather than just click-click-click-dead.

It might be that a single click or button-press makes you do multiple attacks, like in Archeage, or the mobs are all elite, or the most simple explanation, they're rigged for the tech demo.

Archeage is one of those Korean games with the ruthless PVP, and a lot of stuff is player-driven, which in theory is good but without balancing mechanisms, which are rare in these kinds of games, it will tend to happen that the members of the biggest guilds will be able to enjoy the game the best, which causes two

Yeah, for sure. The TV version looks like all the settings are on Low, while the BD's looks like it's on Ultra with bloom and all the good stuff. I wouldn't have noticed anyway, I let Mekkakucity Actors fly right past me once I saw the art style. My artistic taste is generally pretty diverse, but this show along with

Anime Blu-ray releases are always more polished than the broadcast versions, because (I think) that's their biggest source of income. That might change, though, as the industry is finally coming around to the fact that there is a real market in the West for the latest anime. Hence the rise of Animax and Crunchyroll.

My mind was already about to blow when I saw the character list, but then I heard the Kawada Mami intro, and I'm now picking pieces (chunks?) of grey matter off of my floor and walls.

XL Games is on a roll with Archeage, and now this. I know, Archeage isn't exactly earth-shattering, but it's apparently got people buying those cash pack things, which are not really pay-to-win, but pay-to-save-a-lot-of-grinding. So, typical F2P game.

I just lost it when I saw these guys. Hahaha!

Divinity: Dragon Commander.

I wasn't sure if I needed to highlight the word 'instrumental' for the joke to get through, but apparently I did.