Man, this really makes me want to play WoW again.
Man, this really makes me want to play WoW again.
Sp4zie has finally hit the big leagues. Look at you, all featured on Kotaku!
More or less. If you don't know who it is, doesn't mean a lot of other people don't too.
I saw the GIF and I thought "Oh god, it's like Bravestar, only using a main character from another ethnic minority!"
I thought it was exclusively for angsty, air-headed teenage quote-posts.
Fuck Futurama, Gawker Media is even more fucking amazing.
This guide for Pocket is so useful, I'm saving it to Pocket for future reference.
Was this announcement specifically timed to coincide with the announcement of Splatoon?
Well, to begin with, you should have watched SAO first :p
Haha, a smart anime. Good one. Log Horizonmakes SAO's story look like a juvenile mess.
Looks more like the suits from the All You Need Is Kill manga, which look so much more amazing than the ones in the movie <.<
So it's a fully-3D Don't Starve, then? Sure, why not.
Happens to me at least once a day :o
I guess I agree with this.
At first I thought this cover was Far Cry parodying Saint's Row. Guess the truth is stranger than fiction.
I'll thank you in advance for linking it then :)
I see. I wouldn't pour water on myself under any usual circumstances anyway, regardless of the heat (I feel it's a waste of water), so I guess I'm good if I ever swing by.
Yes, I did get that. But how impactful is the gesture itself, I mean? Is that as taboo as showing a swastika in Germany, for example? Do the young people like to do it to piss off "The Man"?
Oh, that. So is that a thing among the youth too? Holding water bottles over your head as a reference to that, I mean.