
I died laughing at that

This method prevents repetitive stress injuries associated with bending over to plant as well as injuries or pain for those with bad knees should you prefer that method of gardening.

Oh balls how did I miss this one? Oh well, belated crap entry []

Now playing

I don't see a problem with this. Mass Effect based DLC, with the exception of the Pinnacle Station, has been worth every penny because you're getting so much with it. On top of that they usually go on sale pretty quickly and frequently. Lair of the Shadow Broker anyone?

Oh give it a rest. Sony reps has said plenty of stupid crap that has blown up in their faces, this is no different.

=\ really? FF7 didn't really have an ending so much as a cut away to 500 years later for no apparent reason.

that's awesome

Excited: Boom...headshot.

My only issue would be if the wood became infested with termites or something

Elcor sniper please


This one thinks that's a terrible idea.

Download it from the disc to your player of choice.

well done

Every Acer I've encountered is a piece of garbage. I tell people to avoid the brand like the plague. That and anything Emerson.

Oh, all the time. I actually rotate through like 15 different save slots in any given RPG.

this is actually directed at HumanRainDelay below this post because he didn't make his long enough to reply to. Read this for all the info on Master Miller []

There isn't a 2/3 majority support to override it, so no. Though I find it funny that the panel presiding over the hearings is mostly made up of the supporters of the bill.

We can block them in the US yes, but the bill is aimed at "offshore" websites beyond just blocking them. It basically assumes legal jurisdiction in other countries as far as copyright protection is concerned. To keep from posting a long, boring wall o' text, the bill is useless other than punishing US base sites. Its