
well....yeah, yeah you are.

I'd settle for replacement voice actors for everyone other than Auron and Khimari.

I'm calling in to question their boot time claims. They demoed between 5 and 8 seconds. Later on they opened one of the laptops to show how little hardware is actually in there. One piece was a Solid State drive. We all know that an SSD is going to boot pretty fast. What are the boot times going to be on an HDD?

Glad I wasn't alone on that one

If Ghost in the Shell has taught me anything, in the future you can just transfer you mind into a synthetic body when your natural one craps out. Problem solved.

Working just fine here


Music licensing is a whore. If I purchase a game, why should I then have to go purchase the OST separately when I have it in the package to begin with? I can understand the logic in movies and such where the songs aren't played/available in their entirety in said medium, but for the most part, games contain the

Valve was throwing the idea around for "trading" your licenses in for credit on steam a while back. I think its a fantastic idea given that most people will end up deleting a game after so long with no intention to replay it.

and that is how my ears feel every time I play a match on XBL

Just a thought, you may want to bold steps 5 and 6 because I notice a lot of people are still pasting the image link into the comment field.

entry #3. Poor Wilem Defoe :(

Personally I would have used this one, but bravo nonetheless.

Can anyone tell me why we don't have a Kotaku/Gawker app for iOS?


Promotions aren't working for unapproved commenters. So we have to do it the hard way. And by hard way I mean the second laziest way.

I just zipped by promoting for the sake of the contest and didn't actually look until now. That's hilarious.

100 internets to you sir