Buuuuuuut, didn't Locke visit Jack to get him to return to the island and was going to commit suicide so Jack would believe him?
Buuuuuuut, didn't Locke visit Jack to get him to return to the island and was going to commit suicide so Jack would believe him?
@thats Mr Fhtagn to you
I thought that's what Faraday said, but Locke said Jack wasn't supposed to leave, and I think Locke has more of an idea of what the island wants.
I actually thought Sawyer or Juliet was going to die tonight. When Juliet went into the sub and Sawyer was standing there, I was expecting a bullet from somewhere.
All I've heard is that it's supposed to be shocking, and the way things are going now, I have the feeling Jack may die. The pattern seems to be that
1. The island wants someone to do something
2. They don't do it
3. They become miserable
4. They do what the island wants so they won't be miserable
5. They die.
I think you are spot on about the explosion sending everyone back to their appropriate time. When Desmond turned the fail-safe key, this was the event that "dislodged" his consciousness by releasing the pent up energy in the swan station, so I'm guessing that Jughead will result in a bigger release of energy that…
Er I should clarify, a Ra's al Ghul as in Batman Begins, where he says he works for Jacob when he IS Jacob, not the comic, in which he lives forever.
You think Richard could be pulling a Ra's al Ghul?
Dammit :(
Can the others save anyone?
I was trying to remember, when Richard decides to save Ben, is it only because he says Jacob wants him to live? Or was he just being decent. If he was being nice, don't you think he would try and save Faraday since he is Eloise's son?
I just wanted to kind of clarify in the Swan Orientation video, Chang was a fake arm, and in the viral video he talks about future events and then grabs his arm, which I assume to mean someone told him he would lose his arm.
I think Faraday may be wrong this time and that the only real "variable" is Desmond, since he was at ground zero during the "massive energy" release under the Swan station. Also to me it seemed that in "The Constant," Desmond was actually changing his past, why else wouldn't he have remembered Faraday?
I'm pretty sure that Hurley's guitar case contains some type of guitar-machine gun ala El Mariachi.
Is Faraday dead?
*SPOILERS* sort of
When I saw the song at the beginning of this episode, the first thing I thought was "Oh shit." In Mexico a lot of these banda groups write songs (corridos) about famous criminals or massacres done by the cartels. To me the fact that there was a song written about Walt saying that he's a dead man pretty much spells…