
Does it serve society well to hold these men in prison at age 80? The American justice system is so extreme

I'm really glad the DA is taking this case seriously and prosecuting these young men. And I think they should go to prison. However, I am not in favor of prison sentences for 100s of years. 20-30 years? Okay - they can spend the best years of their adult lives in prison. That seems about right. But if there is


Look, I know everyone just wants to be mad, but instead of that, how about we use our brains. I think it's obvious that he was not trying to say that "all women of domestic violence provoked their ass beatings". If you think he did, maybe you are just seeing red and not fully looking at his statements. Yes, he did not

So, college students acted silly and no one got hurt. Why is this even a story aside from those that wrote it getting to type out all of those ridiculous nicknames? If this kind of stuff was the worst that goes on at our nation's institutes of higher learning, we'd all be in in great shape. I mean, this doesn't

This one time, at OSU band camp . . .

This is excellent vaudeville. They are only under scrutiny because they're not Ivy. No physical violence. No drugs or alcohol abuse. You really want to screw people for having intelligent fun? Yes, some groups are mentioned in a bad light. Oh boo hoo. Let me sing you some rugby songs so you can see how actually

Walking around UT, I can request a clothing update: no flip-flops. We don't want to see your feet, I don't care how cracked and dry they are. You're in college, stop wearing PJ pants or shorts that read "Juicy" on them. If you're going to a classroom that has A/C, be prepared to wear clothes that insulate you. Bring a

Well, shoving spectators is definitely not OK unless it's self-defense. But on the other hand, fuck those assholes. The guy is apparently some sort of idiotic "superfan" who has a whole "we're the CRAZIEST fans!" schtick he does during games. You can see it when he gets shoved, they're absolutely thrilled about being

I honestly did not know that Russell Wilson was African-American. I always thought he was Indian (Subcontinental Asian, not Native American).

I live in Seattle, listen to sports radio all day and watch/attend every Seahawks game. Not once in the lead up to THE BIG GAME THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED do I remember hearing anyone locally or nationally talking about Russell Wilson as possibly becoming the second black QB to win a SuperBowl. That's gotta be a sign

Can we please curb the use of "Truther" as a description of these type of people and use the more accurate "Paranoid Schizophrenic"?

This country is great because of the influxes of people from other places over the years. It is somehow harmful, or disrespectful, to sing America the Beautiful in the languages of those places? Piffle.

Like it matters. With Barack HUSSEIN Obama in the White House, we'll all be speaking MUSLIM within a few years anyway!

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

Eli, on the other hand, would never mess with that "light" shit. He goes right for the crafts.

I think it's cool.

"Restless in Sante Fe, she had to get away
To any town where the lights had a much brighter glow
One cowboy mentioned the town of El Paso
They never stopped dancin' and money like whiskey did flow;"