
From the trailer already: Variant Captain Marvel (likely Maria Rambeau) and Mordo

While Uprising isnt the greatest movie, GDT’s plot has some...major issues, the biggest being if the precursors are future humans...why don’t they go back and just talk to past (present) humans and make sure that future Earth is survivable instead of sending monsters to kill/terraform it.

If you see our boy Barnell on the street with a beak, sure, that might be the only mutation, but how do you know he can’t spit acid out of that beak?

If this is post-Loki, then I think an “absolute point” is just the nexus event of a branch timeline that reaches past the red line, since that is the zone at which a timeline becomes un-pruneable. 

Sooo no mention the synopsis is just word for word Seven Samurai....or that Star Wars is an adaptation of The Hidden Fortress which is Kurosawa but not the one that Snyder is adapting? Just something something Star Wars, something something Kurosawa something something Snyder suck?

Eh, I’m inclined to agree that Superman could be any race but, Bruce Wayne is old money rich and there aren’t too many black people with that kind of wealth for obvious reasons. I would be an interesting concept to see what a tech mogul/Nouveau riche type of background would shape a character like Bruce

whoa there were Star Wars’s X-XIII????

I miss Falling Skies...

Oh man I just realized how rad it would be to have a like 10 year timeskip post IW. Maybe it takes that long for Tony (and Suri!) to find a way to undo Big Snap(tm)

Because “Symbiotic” is pronounced that way. Sure it may not be correct, but it tracks logically.

Even worse was that Bishop was literally causing Global catastrophes in the past in order to cut off Cable and Hope from aid and resources when they jumped further into the future. But then he got stuck at the end of time or something and became a psychic ghost hunter then went back to being a good guy again.

Khalil was cannon fodder from the jump.

Enchantress casts a spell, affects all men, there you go!

I think it will be good, just not what anyone was expecting. Personally I think it was a bad idea to place it so close to the original Incredibles from a time perspective; I feel like there’s more family narrative you could exploit from a timeskip. From the preview it looks like there’s much less of a focus on Violet

Also, ITS BEEN 30 YEARS. You are telling me that in that time, Luke hasn’t given Leia at least a cursory lesson in wielding the force?

To put it in context, the capital city of Wakanda is called the Golden City (Birnin Zana).


Whenever Carol absorbs enough energy she can go into a cosmically powered “Binary Mode”

Zack Snyder must be so hard watching this