Blaming “feminists” here is rather strange. I also wonder what “superfluous fights” you’re referring to. I won’t assume anything, but which are those?
Blaming “feminists” here is rather strange. I also wonder what “superfluous fights” you’re referring to. I won’t assume anything, but which are those?
Ah yes, Joy Reid, the black face on MSNBC most loyal to the Democratic party establishment. Forget about a Black agenda; for Joy Reid it’s all about democratic party talking points.
Throw this entire article In the TRASH
Lol, this did not need to be a video. Like others saying, this feels like someone trying real hard to be Tim Rogers.
Here’s why redfall was underwhelming: fast moving melee enemies dont work vs first person cameras. Game needs to be third person, or enemies need to change.
While I certainly appreciate the sentiment, somehow I am of the impression that the indisputable brevity of the above comment might in a way weaken the thesis that the written word is, in fact, the ultimately superior form of communication.
fuck videos, type the fuckin thing out
I kind of give the benefit of the doubt on this one because all of Bungie’s current error messages and other dumb junk in Destiny and Destiny 2 all reference animals and animal names. If they’re using tools that Bungie built a long time ago, it’s totally plausible that there’s still dumb junk like that floating…
Right? Like none of this would be a surprise, but also literally anyone can point at a politician and say “that lady’s a hooker and she aborted Ted Cruz’s baby.” Saying she conceived six children with Senator Cruz but he paid her in blood diamonds to abort them because he was worried his children would expose his…
While I do fully condone calling out Boebert for being a hypocrite, but before this can really be taken seriously, the PAC in question should actually present some proof. At the moment it is fully leaning on just claiming that they are have seen the evidence, but it is questionable to publish such allegations without…
If there’s a silver lining here, Saakashvili left office in 2013 and is anti-Russian (remember, Russian troops are still in a few regions of Georgia that Russia considers to be independent states).
Why do you think Guthrie’s husbands legal work should be disclosed to anyone? There is no there there, Ms. Cruz.
Judging from the dev’s twitter photos, their staff is ~4.16% black, whereas that city is 3.2% black, so... I guess that’s good?
One day, I hope that it’ll be common place to have protagonists in all colors, sizes, genders, & backgrounds - that the article title can just be “Protagonist Captures The Stories Of A Doomed World In Season”
This society is interesting. And this conflict between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is indicative of this. People could not even consider that Heard was the sole abuser in this case. In their minds, either Depp (the man) was the sole abuser or both were mutual abusers. Either he was guilty or both of them were. But the…
She admitted, on the stand, that the Op Ed was about Depp.
She lost the case right there. Admitted intention and malice.
So we can asume you did not watch the trail. But just the cliff notes.
And 150k is bad compared to which similarly situated star in terms of name recognition on what show that Power had similar ratings to?
Hang on. Dude signs a contract, willingly, then complains. Running theme.
“Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”