
In Dying Light 2, the zombies you see were infected by a new, super-strain that the vaccine couldn’t fight. All of those zombies could be people who got the vaccine back in the day. Or they are folks who have turned in the years since the fall of the planet, post-vaccine. 

How long is it going to take to be released though? I’m almost 50. I’m not getting any younger. I’ve only got 1 or 2 GTA games in my life time. If GTA6 comes out in 4 to 6 years and they also milk GTA6 for 10 more years. By the time we get GTA7 I could be well into my 70's.

As a Jew, this was such a missed opportunity for further discussion. Whoopi has said offensive things for decades and this has been completely overblown. How we view race today in America is different than how it was viewed in Europe during the time of the Holocaust. White Europeans were not just seen as white as they

The whole “there’s too much zombie stuff” take doesn’t really sit right with me. Like, yeah, the same handful of tropes are done to death, but there’s still a fuck-ton of untapped ideas.

I think Whoopi is being vastly misunderstood by the ADL here, and that Whoopi vastly misunderstands the ADL, and perhaps, by extension Jewish people.

We had researchers who we worked with who spoke about the reasons why their own grandparents and their aunts did not go see doctors, and did not encourage them to go see doctors. And this is passed down.”

A normal person: “wow how unsportsmanlike!”

In theory they could act as a bargaining chip - You take the C0D, we take the Destiny - but given that these deals are in the work months in advance it’s not like you can just revenge buy something.

I’m going to reply to you once and once alone, outside of any “proof”.

It sure as hell wasn’t what I expected when my mom came into my room at 11AM on a Sunday to tell me the police were here for me either!

The fact that I got swatted after posting a comment that was badly received on an article about a swat simulator, along with the fact that it was an anonymous email lead me to consider it. Then when I actually heard what they said in the report to the police, which used some of my comments from Kotaku chronicling the

Speaking of targeted harassment... I was swatted a few weeks ago and, after working with the police, we have narrowed it down to someone from this community (Kotaku).

What exactly do you plan to appeal, Jussie? Take your loss like an adult and take time to look inward. You need to do some deep soul searching and get in touch with the actual community you claim to represent to find out just how much hurt you caused. Not towards white people, not towards law enforcement, not towards

But they don’t get it for now.”

So two things:

I’m really not trying to be rude but I don’t know how to express to you how silly what you’re saying is. If I waved my hand in front of your face, you would be able to perceive that motion at a very granular level. If I played a video of the exact same thing at 30 FPS you would be able to tell you are looking at

Unannounced Survival Game...

I envy people like you. Like, when I see side-by-side comparisons of 30 fps and 60 fps I can kiiind of see the difference. When I’m actually playing a game? I seriously can’t tell the difference. Even n64 games that play at 20 fps feel smooth to me. And please, don’t send me a bunch of videos or gifs to show me the

Yeah I recently got a gaming laptop with a high refresh rate screen (plus a 3080), and playing games at their maximum settings at a high framerate AND a high refresh rate? Holy crap I didn’t know what I was missing. Everything feels so smooth, it’s hard to describe until you see it yourself. I picked up God of War

I know this says more about me than it does the folks who write these, but it’s still flooring to me when games that could previously only be played at 30 FPS gain the ability to be played at 60 or 120 and people are like “aside from that minor upgrade, nbd.” Has the same energy as “aside from that, how was the show?”