I think there was a game that struck the right balance between "waiting your turn" and thinking about the battlefield in an active fashion. That game was Grandia 2 for me. Maybe it isn't a perfect example, but I really enjoyed it.
I think there was a game that struck the right balance between "waiting your turn" and thinking about the battlefield in an active fashion. That game was Grandia 2 for me. Maybe it isn't a perfect example, but I really enjoyed it.
The charity drive is an incredible success not only because of the huge amount of donations, but also becuase a lot of the livestream has been some of the best Yogscast I have seen. Even when they couldn't get it running right it managed to be hilarious.
You might be interested in this: http://www.terriblefate.com/
Someone linked a collection of 100 or so gaming .gifs earlier in TAY. I don't remember who it was though! Here is the collection:
I agree about the community size, but with the mod there in the Kotaku list the PC version is light-years away better looking. There are also other mods (by the same author I believe) that do a great job with PC controls.
I actually thought this Kotaku story was going to be about the ModDB awards as well. Definitely go take a peek over there if you want to check out more mods and mod news.
I recently started playing Skyrim again, but I am not at a recommended level to play it yet. Looking forward to it considering all the praise.
The amount of detail that FROM put into that game...the mod lets you discover even more of it. Durante should be an NPC in Dark Souls 2.
Seconded. One of those mods that becomes an absolute requirement for a game.
Sega has lost its mind. Someone over in the GAF thread said that suing Level-5 for this is like suing Santa Claus for breaking and entering, and I agree.
It does fit. Nice work.
Speaking of hibernation please freeze me in carbonite or something until Dark Souls 2 comes out.
Now despite my previous post if you do feel like panicking you should do it with something like this instead:
I think its easy to panic when you read stuff like this, but only from the way its worded.
Its confusing wording to be sure, but as others said this likely means the online services are simply hosted on servers and are not peer-to-peer like they are now.
I didn't like Ender's Game (the novel). I wasn't looking forward to the movie at all, but I had no idea Harrison Ford was in it. Hrrmm. I went and saw Cowboys vs. Aliens which was extremely mediocre but at least it had him in it. This might be the same.
The fun he's having is certainly contagious. It was "scripted" well so to speak. I look forward to more mods.
Yeah but see that's where the confusion comes in. When I voted for original universe there were five entries - not one. They must have been removed later.
Grats to all the winners, even if the guy who won Best Replay is as surprised as everyone else.