Wouldn't there be other signs of a game cancellation? Layoffs? Employee posts on other sites?
I couldn't log in/out, see inbox, or change profile, and now I'm being redirected to Cracked.com when I click on links!? Whats going on here?
I read the graphic novels up and through the prison section. I got burned out on reading every possible bad thing that could happen to these people all the time. I'm no masochist.
There is one thing that bugs me about a relation of the comics to the games, and I will try and hide it in a reply. It would seem to heavily influence decisions.
I'm glad Beagle and co. get more views, since most of their videos are great and I'm glad I found them. You should watch the rest of their stuff too (a couple other channels like CHKilroy and Dyslexci) since its a mix of hilarious machinimas and large-scale coop gameplay in ArmA and other military sims.
Something from Beagle or Kilroy?
Man oh man do I love speedruns. Some or a bit lame like the Oblivion speedrun which lasts something like all of 5 minutes but others are a lot of fun to watch like the N64 Zelda games or Half Life 2. Just stay away from tool-assisted speedruns - pfffft.
Check out this thread from a while back when the Firefall trailer hit (hit Brazil that is - heyo!). The subject of Brazilians in MMOs was discussed.
This is one reason why I love Team Fortress 2. Not only is there constant audio feedback from the characters, but they all have their own personalities and sayings for the various situations.
I am someone who has no experience with this sort of thing, and even I can tell that this is incredible. In the demonstration video alone I was awestruck. I can't wait to see what people come up with using it, but I may have to even dabble in it myself.
I can see through your posts at the point you are trying to make, but you are coming across as the opposite of what is right in this situation. We don't censor things only because someone gets offended or sensitive, although you should always take it into consideration.
That reminds me that people are trying to forget a certain WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU WiiU console.
Canadian Taekwondo? There's a joke in there somewhere...
Great and now the shadowing above it looks like he does indeed have face boobs. Goldeneye box art levels of cannot-unsee.
Yes Frank as a matter of fact I was just going to see your boss. Tell Hasbro that I got his money.
Fifteen huh? Ok you guys got yourself a replica. We'll leave as soon as you're ready - lot A2.
Easily one of my favorite combat systems in an RPG.
Make sure to check out these links at the bottom of the Pyromania update disguised as trash for more Team Fortress 2 lore/awesome comics.
Well that makes complete sense. Good for him.