It will be good, provided it includes the following:
It will be good, provided it includes the following:
This made me laugh out loud.
I think Harvey Weinstein already did that.
Can confirm.
It’s illegal to deface US currency.
This was just severely disheartening.
Seems like a dumb crime to attempt. There are smaller/easier things that can be smuggled.
Actually, there was that ONE black guy in the series. “Salladhor Saan”.
Something doesn’t look right.
I could not agree more. In my experience, Progressive white women were often more of a threat than blatant white-supremacists. The former can be ignorant and unpredictable, the latter...not as much.
Kalanick ,there’s no cure for being a cunt.
Instantly reminded me of “Fallout: New Vegas”
It doesn’t matter. The people who read and believe that Breitbart rubbish are unlikely to be swayed by any data, no matter who presents it, nor how compelling or conclusive it is.
Oh no! All these poor, angry Fanboy’s !